[Abstract]:Conjugated Polymer Optoelectronic materials, compared with inorganic semiconductors and other materials, have the characteristics of light, thin, flexible, solution processing, photoelectric properties can be controlled by simple chemical modification. This remarkable advantage makes it in light-emitting diodes, photovoltaic devices, field effect transistors, organic information storage and other organic / Polymer Optoelectronic devices and chemical biology. The neutral conjugated polymers described in this paper are different from polyelectrolytes, especially those which are water-insoluble, have no ionic functional groups in the side chains and have high electronegativity atoms, such as N, O, S, etc. Supramolecular composite films containing neutral photoelectric small molecule-PCBM and hydrotalcite (LDHs) nanosheets were assembled and characterized in terms of optical properties, structure and morphology. The fluorescence response of Pd11 to (PFH-Ec/LDH) N thin films was further studied quantitatively. The fluorescence quenching mechanism of Pd11 thin films was preliminarily explored based on the experimental data. The main work is as follows: 1. A series of neutral conjugated polymers, such as poly (p-phenylene acetylene) (PPE), polyfluorene (PHF), polythiophene (P3HT) or neutral composite guest (neutral conjugated polymer containing neutral small molecule PCBM) and LDH nanosheets were assembled layer by layer. A series of different neutral conjugated polymer-LDH composites were successfully constructed. Unlike the conventional layered self-assembly based on strong electrostatic force, this paper speculates that the assembly driving force is weak Van der Waals force and may exist. This method is expected to be applicable to all the above mentioned neutral conjugated polymers or neutral small molecule-neutral conjugated polymers binary neutral systems. PdII, Pt II, Pt IV, and Au III were successfully synthesized as fluorescent chemical sensors. For Pd II ions, the fluorescence quenching coefficient Ksv = 5000M-1, the fluorescence detection of Pd II ions was high. In the range of 10-5M to 10-2M, the fluorescence intensity has a linear relationship with the negative logarithm of Pd II concentration, and can be applied to the quantitative analysis of Pd II concentration.For Pd nanoparticles, the sensitivity is higher, and the fluorescence quenching coefficient Ksv3 x108 M-1 is much higher than that of the general effective quenching agent (Ksv_10-2-10-3M-1). Based on the experimental facts, we have studied the fluorescence detection mechanism. This chapter provides a new kind of composite film material for the fluorescence detection of noble metal ions and nanoparticles. For Pd nanoparticles, it has superfluorescence quenching effect and high detection sensitivity. 3. Using the same assembly method, the neutral small molecule-neutral conjugated polymer/LDH composite films, such as (PCBM-P3H) were successfully prepared. T/LDH)N, (PCBM-PFPC/LDH)n and so on. The fluorescence characterization of the films showed that the two-dimensional fluorescence quenching of neutral conjugated polymer electron donors and PCBM receptors was realized between the layers of LDHs. The generation of two-dimensional photoinduced charge transfer between the layers of LDHs showed that (PCBM-CP/LDH) n films could be applied to organic solar cells. The active layer of organic solar cells laid the foundation.
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