[Abstract]:According to the development of PVC in China, according to the local conditions of Qinghai, according to the aging mechanism of polymer materials, taking PVC resin as research object and inorganic nanoparticles as UV shielding modifier, PVC composites with excellent properties were prepared. Firstly, the process conditions of silane coupling agent modified nanoparticles were determined and optimized by single factor test and orthogonal test. The modified nanoparticles obtained under the optimum conditions were added to the PVC matrix by solution mixing. The particle size distribution and FIIR analysis showed that the modified nanoparticles were dispersed uniformly in PVC. The best addition ratio of nano-particles is 3 and the tensile properties and UV shielding properties of the prepared PVC films are the best. The modified Zn O nanoparticles are added to the PVC substrate instead of some nano-sized Ti O _ 2. It is found that the dispersion of particles in the matrix is more uniform after the addition of Zn O, which is mainly due to the fact that Zn O and Ti O 2 are crosslinked by electrostatic force and van der Waals force physics, which reduces the aggregation of particles and improves the tensile properties of PVC materials. UV shielding performance. In addition, because of the synergistic flame retardant effect of Zn O, the oxygen index of the material also increased significantly. The experimental results showed that when the ratio of nano Ti O 2 particles to nano Zn O O particles was 1:3, the properties of the materials reached the best. The interaction between Ti O 2 and Zn O was further studied. The Zn O nanoparticles on the market were replaced by homemade Zn O nanorods to be added to PVC. It was found that the addition of composite particles could block the chain motion of PVC. Thus, the tensile properties and thermal stability of the materials were improved, and the uniformly dispersed composite particles also significantly improved the UV shielding ability of the materials, and slowed down the aging process of the materials.
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