[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of nanotechnology, the research on nanomaterials has shifted from controllable synthesis and basic properties to practical production and application of their unique properties. Because of the potential applications of multilayer nanowires in magneto-optic, magnetic, data storage, sensors, biotechnology and new energy devices, Therefore, the controllable synthesis of multilayer nanowires and their related properties have become one of the most important frontier topics in material science. In this thesis, a highly ordered layered nanowire array was successfully synthesized by using aluminum oxide template and pulse electrodeposition, and its related properties were studied. The main contents are as follows: 1. Controlled Synthesis of Metal Multilayer nanowires (1) in this paper, Au/Ni nanowire arrays with diameter of 70 nm were successfully prepared by using self-made alumina template (AAO), and pulse deposition method. By adjusting the electrodeposition time, the thickness of magnetic layer Ni is 65 nm, 120 nm, 180 nm and 300 nm, respectively, while the thickness of non-magnetic layer Au is kept at 70 nm. (2) the Pt/Ni multilayer nanowire array with diameter 70nm is successfully prepared by electrochemical deposition using self-made alumina template (AAO),. By changing the electrodeposition time, the thickness of the magnetic layer is 60nm and 200nm, respectively, while the thickness of the non-magnetic layer Pt is kept at 60nm. The morphology and structure of the samples were characterized by (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM),) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). 2. Magnetic properties of metal multilayer nanowires (1) the relationship between the magnetic properties of Au/Ni multilayer nanowires and the length of Ni magnetic layer is studied. The results show that when the length of Ni magnetic layer is about 180nm, The relative maximum values of remanence and coercivity appear. (2) the change of coercivity and remanence of Au/Ni multilayer nanowires with the measured angle is also studied. The coercivity and remanence are not only related to the change of angle, but also affected by the thickness of the Ni layer, and the magnetization axis is parallel to the nanowire axis, when the length of the magnetic Ni layer increases, The magnetostatic coupling between nanowires is also enhanced. (3) the magnetic properties of Pt/Ni multilayer nanowire arrays with a diameter of 70 nm are studied. The results show that the coercivity and remanence are not only related to the change of measurement angle, but also affected by the length of Ni layer. Electrochemical properties of metal multilayer nanowires (1) the application of Au/Ni multilayer nanowires in enzymatic glucose sensor was studied at room temperature. The results show that the synthesized Au/Ni nanowires have good detection performance for glucose because of their large specific surface area and special bimetallic structure, such as very high sensitivity. (2) at room temperature, the Pt/Ni multilayer nanowires were modified on the conventional glassy carbon electrode, and the electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol was studied. By using cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, we have tested the electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on Pt/Ni multilayer nanowires, Pt nanowires and nanowires modified by Ni, respectively. The cyclic voltammetry curves and chronoamperometric curves were carefully analyzed. We found that compared with the other two kinds of materials, the Pt/Ni nanowires prepared by our method have the best electrocatalytic oxidation performance for methanol, and the stability is also the strongest.
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