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发布时间:2018-10-26 09:08
[Abstract]:In this paper, three dimensional five and six dimensional composites with carbon fiber as axial yarn, aramid fiber as woven yarn and aramid fiber as axial yarn and carbon fiber as woven yarn are designed and fabricated. The full-field strain of the specimen during axial tension was recorded by digital image correlation (DIC) technique. The comparative experiments of three-dimensional braided carbon fiber composites and aramid fiber three-dimensional braided composites with similar fiber volume content were carried out. The effects of blending mode and braiding structure on tensile properties and damage mechanism of carbon-aramid three-dimensional braided composites were analyzed. The results of axial tensile test show that under the same braided structure, The tensile strength and modulus of the three-dimensional five-direction and six-direction braided composites with aramid fiber and carbon fiber respectively as axial yarns are higher than that of the aramid fiber three-dimensional five-direction and six-direction braided composites, respectively, and the tensile strength and modulus of the composites are higher than that of the aramid fiber three-dimensional five-direction and six-direction braided composites. 28.86 percent and 36.77 and 62.68, about 30.28and 74.26. The elongation at break of the blended three dimensional five and six direction braided composites of aramid fiber and carbon fiber respectively is 34.38% and 11.96% higher than that of the three dimensional five direction and six direction braided composites, respectively, and is 2.19% higher than that of the three dimensional five direction and six direction braided composites. Carbon fiber and aramid fiber three-dimensional five-direction braided composites in the same blending mode, The tensile strength of the three-dimensional five-direction braided composite with aramid fiber and carbon fiber as axial yarn is 58.72% and 36.15% higher than that of the corresponding three-dimensional six-direction braided composite, respectively. The tensile modulus was 47.43% and 27.23% higher than that of 36.28%, respectively, but the elongation at break had no obvious trend. Poisson's ratio is influenced greatly by braided structure and less by mixed structure. In the same blending mode, the Poisson's ratio of three dimensional five-direction braided composites with carbon fiber, aramid fiber as axial yarn and carbon fiber as axial yarn is 293.7575 and 162.50 higher than that of three-dimensional six-direction braided composite, respectively. 228.57% and 344.44%. The time-longitudinal strain curves of each group of typical samples were almost linear. The full-field longitudinal cloud image shows that the strain distribution of the sample is uniform and the local strain distribution is periodic. At the same time, the in-plane axial strain distribution of the sample is affected by the mixing mode and the braiding structure. Under the same braiding structure, the strain distribution of the sample with the same braided yarn is like "lattice". The strain of the woven yarn as aramid fiber is similar to the "wave line" distribution. In the same blending mode, the surface strain of the three-dimensional five-direction braided composite is distributed uniformly along the interwoven point of the surface braided yarn, while the surface strain of the three-dimensional six-direction braided composite is distributed along the hexagonal yarn as a whole. The results of tensile fracture and longitudinal profile observation show that the addition of aramid fiber reduces the uniformity of fracture surface and improves the cracking and shedding of the matrix during the fracture process of the specimen under the same braided structure. At the same time, the wetting degree of the whole fiber and matrix was reduced. In the same blending mode, the fracture surface of the three-dimensional five-direction braided composite is inclined serrated, and the internal damage degree decreases with the distance from the fracture surface to the fracture surface, and the damage propagation distance is larger, while the fracture surface of the three-dimensional six-direction braided composite is flat and uniform. The internal damage is concentrated near the fracture surface, and the damage propagation distance is relatively small.


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