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发布时间:2018-11-18 09:27
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the nano technology, the single-function nano-particles can not meet the complex and changeable requirements in the practical application, and the material with the function of magnetic separation and fluorescent labeling has become the research hotspot, so that the material can be widely applied to environmental monitoring and cell separation, and the like. the magnetic energy exists, and the material can be recycled and reused, so that the cost is reduced, and the environment-friendly effect is achieved. At present, how to combine the magnetic nanoparticles with the quantum dots is the focus of the research, and at the same time, the biocompatibility of the magnetic fluorescent nanoparticles is improved, the particle size is reduced, and the high magnetic response performance and the fluorescence visibility property can be retained. The surface modification of the magnetic nanoparticles and the quantum dots can effectively solve these problems, so the research on the selection of the surface modifier is of considerable importance. In order to modify the magnetic nano-material, it is mainly divided into three groups: (1) the inorganic nanometer material, (2) the organic small molecule, (3) the organic macromolecule. As a result, this paper studies the following aspects: (1) the preparation of the quantum dot CdSe/ CdS. in that solvent of oleic acid and liquid paraffin, the CdSe/ CdS of the oil phase is prepared by taking CdO, Se and S as raw materials, and the surface of the quantum dot is modified with the carbon-based acetic acid, so that the CdSe/ CdS is hydrophilic, and the surface is rich in the polar base and is convenient for subsequent application. The results show that the quantum dots have strong fluorescence, uniform particle size and good dispersion. (2) Fe _ 3O _ 4 magnetic nanoparticles were modified with organic small-molecule citric acid (CA). Magnetic nanoparticles were prepared by a chemical co-precipitation method, and the Fe _ 3O _ 4 nanoparticles were modified with citric acid. In the presence of ethylenediamine, the Fe _ 3O _ 4/ CA nanoparticles were successfully connected with CdSe/ CdS. The results show that the Fe _ 3O _ 4/ CA@CdSe/ CdS magnetic fluorescent composite particles have strong magnetic response and excellent fluorescence properties, and can be stable and suitable for application. (3) The Fe _ 3O _ 4 magnetic nanoparticles were modified with organic macromannooligosaccharides (MOS). The magnetic nano-particles Fe _ 3O _ 4 were prepared by chemical co-precipitation method, and the magnetic particles were coated with mannooligosaccharides, and the surface hydroxylated Fe _ 3O _ 4/ MOS was synthesized by adsorption and bonding, and the Fe _ 3O _ 4/ MOS@CdSe/ CdS magnetic fluorescent double-functional material was successfully prepared. The results show that the magnetic-fluorescent double-functional nano-particles have good magnetic response, good fluorescence performance, and can be used stably. and (4) modifying the Fe _ 3O _ 4 magnetic nano-particles by using the inorganic nano-material nano Au. Due to the fact that the Fe _ 3O _ 4 magnetic nanoparticles of the direct-modified gold nanoparticles cannot be directly used in the aspects of biological medicine and the like, the gold nanoparticles can be well combined to contain the amine-containing compound, so that the Fe _ 3O _ 4 is modified with polyethyleneimine (PEI), and then the composite Au nanoparticles are reduced in situ. and then the modified quantum dot is connected with the modified quantum dot to obtain the Fe _ 3O _ 4/ PEI/ Au@CdSe/ CdS composite particles, and after the characterization, the composite material has good magnetic response and good fluorescence performance, and also has the Au nano-property, and has a very important application prospect in the field of environment and the like. In this paper, three kinds of magnetic modifiers, and four kinds of quantum dot modifiers, are studied. The influence of the modifying agent on the magnetic response and the fluorescence properties of the magnetic fluorescent nanoparticles is studied. We can select a suitable modifier based on the different needs for magnetism and fluorescence.


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