[Abstract]:The combination of numerical simulation and a few experiments is an effective way to study the crashworthiness and failure mechanism of composite structures. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the simulation modeling method for thin wall energy absorption structure of composite materials in accordance with the experimental data. Based on the energy absorption data of thin-walled composite materials, the simulation modeling method of damage model of MAT_054 reinforced composite material in LS-Dyna software is analyzed in this paper. Based on the numerical simulation method, the effects of geometric size and layering mode on the energy absorption characteristics of T700 / epoxy composite thin wall tubes were studied. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) Quasi-static crushing tests were carried out on the thin wall composite pipe structure formed by hot pressing of T700 / epoxy resin prepreg. The parameters such as bearing capacity, failure mode and energy absorption capacity were obtained. It provides a reference for the design of the crashworthiness of the composite thin wall energy absorption structure, and also provides the experimental data for the numerical simulation modeling method. (2) take the T700 / epoxy composite pipe as the research object. Based on the Chang-Chang failure criterion in LS-Dyna software, the quasi-static crushing simulation model is established by using the MAT_054 material model. The parameters of the material model and the key parameters of the simulation model are analyzed on the basis of verifying the accuracy of the finite element model. The simulation modeling method of composite thin wall energy absorption structure is studied. (3) on the basis of comparing the experimental data to obtain the more accurate finite element model of the simulation results, aiming at the ratio of diameter to thickness, The influence of diameter-height ratio on the energy absorption characteristics of thin walled composite tubes was studied. (4) the influence of fiber layering (angle and proportion of laminates) on the energy absorption characteristics of composite tubes was studied. After obtaining the ideal finite element simulation model, the influence of fiber layering mode on the energy absorption characteristics is studied and analyzed by changing the fiber layering mode (the angle and the proportion of layers).
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