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发布时间:2019-06-16 17:18
[Abstract]:Surface enhanced fluorescence refers to the phenomenon that the fluorescence signal emission intensity of the nearby fluorescent molecules can be greatly enhanced by the metal surface with special morphology and configuration compared with the free state fluorescence emission intensity. As an important detection technique, surface enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy plays an important role in biology and life science. The core of surface enhanced fluorescence is to control the distance between metal particles and fluorescent groups. In order to obtain the appropriate enhancement effect, the preparation of corresponding nanostructures has become the most important. At present, many different nanostructures have been successfully prepared. However, these disordered nanostructures have some shortcomings, such as poor controllability and reproducibility, corrosion resistance, easy to occur surface structure deformation and so on, which makes it difficult for the commercial application of surface enhanced fluorescent substrate. In order to solve the above problems, a preparation method of gold nanoarray substrate with fluorescence enhancement effect is proposed in this paper. the composite structure is composed of aluminum with micro-nanostructure on the surface, thermal evaporation, vacuum annealing and magnetron sputter, and further introducing graphene, silica and other coated materials. This method can be widely used in the field of life science. The main innovations of this paper are as follows: 1. Breaking through the limitation of traditional alumina, aluminum removal of alumina is used as the template prepared by substrate. The template has the advantages of high surface smoothness, clear structure, good uniformity and so on, so it can be produced on a large scale in industry. 2. The thermal annealing technology is used innovatively in the preparation process of the structure, and the surface microstructure is used to guide the thermal annealing process, so as to complete the control of the surface morphology. 3. Graphene and silica were introduced as structural surface coating materials, and the fluorescence enhancement and quenching of fluorescent molecules after recombination with gold nanoarray were studied. It was found that silica coating has the advantages of effectively adjusting the distance between fluorescent group and gold nanoparticles, corrosion resistance, not easy deformation and so on, which makes the substrate have the potential to be used in the field of biological detection.


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