[Abstract]:The conductive adhesive is a key material for electronic component packaging, electrode and interconnection, and is mainly used in various fields of electronic industry such as surface packaging technology and sensitive element. With the development of electronic components in the direction of miniaturization, multi-function and flexibility, the research on the nano-scale of metal conductive filler is being carried out at home and abroad. In which, the nano-silver-filled conductive adhesive has become a hot spot in the field. At present, the influence of nano-silver as the conductive filler on the performance of the conductive adhesive is positive or negative, and there are many imperfections to be studied and solved. in that invention, the spherical nano-silver particle, the nano-silver wire and the nano-silver film are respectively prepared by adopting a liquid-phase reduction method and a solvothermal method, The influence of the filling amount, the surface property and the sintering behavior on the electrical properties of the conductive adhesive is analyzed, and the conductive mechanism of the nano-silver-filled conductive adhesive is also analyzed. firstly, a traditional liquid-phase reduction method is adopted to prepare the spherical nano-silver particles with the diameter of 30-50 nm, the nano-silver wire with the average diameter of 450 nm and the length of 20-70 & mu; m and the nano-silver film with the length of 100-300nm are prepared by a solvothermal method, and the nano-silver is subjected to surface treatment by adopting the glutaric acid ethanol solution; The sintering characteristics of nano-silver before and after surface treatment were studied. The experimental results show that the nano-silver particles are easy to agglomerate after the glutaric acid treatment, the size of the nano-silver wire is short, and the nano-silver film does not change obviously. There are two effects of physical and chemical bonding between the surface-adsorbed acid groups and the nano-silver. And the sintering temperature after the three nano-silver surface treatment is reduced. The relationship between the curing process and the volume resistivity of the conductive adhesive was studied. The experimental results show that the low-temperature long-time curing is beneficial to the improvement of the conductivity of the silver paste. The high curing temperature is favorable for improving the conductivity of the silver paste with low silver content. The post-curing heat treatment has little influence on the conductivity and microstructure of the cured complete sample. In the end, the effect of the nano-silver on the electrical properties of the conductive adhesive was studied by using the nano-silver as a conductive filler. The research shows that the nano-silver wire can promote the curing of the conductive adhesive, shorten the forming time of the internal conductive path and lower the curing temperature. When the content of the nano-silver wire is only 35% by weight, the volume resistivity of the conductive adhesive after curing at 168 DEG C is 9.48-10-4惟 路 cm, and the volume resistivity after curing at 300 DEG C is reduced to 8.21-10-5惟 路 cm. In that nano-silver wire, the nano-silver particle composite fil conductive adhesive is doped, so that the formation time of the conductive network in the curing process is prolonged, and the resistance is increased. When the content of the nano-silver wire and the nano-silver particles is 65% by weight, the volume resistivity of the conductive adhesive at the temperature of 180 DEG C is only 1.37-10-4惟 路 cm, and the curing volume resistivity at the temperature of 300 DEG C is only 9.60-10-5惟 路 cm. But the high-temperature sintering or surface treatment is beneficial to improving the electrical property of the nano-silver wire-nano-silver particle composite-filled conductive adhesive. The conductive adhesive is prepared by compounding the nano silver wire and the micron silver sheet as the conductive filler, and the research shows that after the nano silver wire is introduced, the forming time of the conductive network in the base body is shortened, and the curing temperature is also reduced. The bulk resistivity can be significantly reduced at higher curing temperatures. When the silver content is 75% by weight and the curing temperature is 250.degree. C., the resistivity is 6.72 to 10 to 5. O The conductive adhesive is prepared by compounding the nano-silver particles or the nano-silver film and the micron silver sheet as a conductive filler, But the nano-silver particles with the surface treated by the glutaric acid can reduce the conductivity and reduce the conductivity. In the case of high-temperature curing, the conductive path is formed between the particles due to the sintering behavior of the nano-silver, so that the conductivity is improved.
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