本文选题:半潜式平台 切入点:水动力分析 出处:《江苏科技大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Semi submersible platform as a typical deep-sea platform, with its strong wind resistance, water depth and adapt to a wide range of advantages of drilling ability has been widely used in offshore oil exploration and development, and the shallow water fixed platform, floating deepwater platform response is very complex movement in the marine environment, and the response of floating platform motion is directly related to the safety of personnel and equipment safety, normal production and drilling methods and other aspects. Therefore, the platform drilling work has very important significance to accurately predict the response of semi submersible platform hydrodynamics and motion. This paper uses the theory of potential flow and hydrodynamic software AQWA software FINE/Marine, semi submersible the viscous flow type platform based on the theory of motion response based on the air gap was simulated and analyzed, and the semi submersible platform vertical displacement as the main target. Optimization and retrofit design scheme of the platform. The frequency domain analysis of hydrodynamic module of LINE semi submersible platform using AQWA software to get the added mass and radiation damping, the amplitude of different incident angle of wave response of the operator, the first-order wave force and the two order wave force and hydrodynamic coefficient; application of FINE/Marine software platform forced sinusoidal exercise, stress curve through the observation platform motion curve and the direction of motion, viscous added mass is obtained by the mathematical model of platform conversion. The DRIFT module by using AQWA software, carry out the 5 kinds of the sea, 5 wave of semi submersible platform movement angle total of 25 kinds of conditions in response to numerical simulation, get the duration curve of platform six freedom of movement and acceleration, and calculate the 25 conditions according to the result of wave direction and wave parameters are classified and analyzed, results show that the platform surge and yaw performance can meet the requirements of standard, and Heave amplitude is large, the maximum value reached 15.7m, exceeding the standard requirement, the platform roll extreme reached 28 degrees, the swing was 12 degrees, more than standard 10 degrees, pitching performance can meet the requirements of specification of the platform, the platform yaw acceleration reaches 1.5m/s2, surge acceleration reached 1.7m/s2. The transverse acceleration is relatively large, can cause human labor discomfort, and the heave acceleration meets the requirement of specification. For semi submersible platform by viscous damping method of free attenuation of numerical simulation, the artificial potential flow is added to the AQWA software on the platform after adding damping motion response prediction, analysis of the effect of viscous damping and the potential damping of semi submersible platform motion. The results showed that adding viscous damping, surge direction decreases 6%, sway direction decreases 26%, heave direction decreased 16% in average, rolling direction average reduction 68%, the average pitch direction decreases 23%, yaw direction average decrease of 20%; adding viscous damping, the heave motion direction is large, the degrees of freedom of movement of all meet the standard requirements, so the influence of viscous damping can not be ignored. The viscous flow and the potential flow based on the software, the program compiled by the authors on the air gap respectively. Submersible platform were analyzed and compared, the air gap variation to facilitate the observation of semi submersible platform under different working conditions, the layout of the 34 observation points in the platform deck, observation platform is mainly located in the edge of the deck around the column. The results show that the platform gap occurs mainly bloom at the edge of the deck in the platform, and based on the semi submersible platform negative clearance viscous flow calculated by the software is generally greater than the potential flow theory. According to the results of the semi submersible platform heave motion formula and relevant experience, the vertical displacement is the main platform To the target, considering rolling, pitching amplitude, and puts forward relevant modifications on the platform, including floating body spacing, face downward float body shape, floating body shape, column shape, column section area, platform draft, increase Heave Plate, displacement are guaranteed all modifications of the platform, and inertia the position of the center of gravity and rotation invariant, the motion performance of each scheme are analyzed, and compared with the prototype, and select the optimal scheme of motion performance and considering viscous for optimal retrofit program, its motion response results meet the requirements of specification.
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