本文选题:伴随自由振动 切入点:动力响应 出处:《振动与冲击》2016年22期
[Abstract]:Even if there is no slamming vibration and significant nonlinear wave-induced vibration, there are still high frequency vibration components in the vibration response induced by the lower frequency wave and the attenuation of the high frequency vibration is slow.Based on the theory of harmonic excitation vibration of a single degree of freedom system, it is pointed out that the accompanying free vibration term, which is often neglected in the analytical solution of the response, is a factor leading to high frequency vibration, and the damping of the system is relatively small.It is difficult to attenuate the transient response component in a short time when the natural frequency is low. The ratio of the high frequency components in the displacement, velocity, acceleration and internal force response is deduced.The characteristics of "time-varying and field variation" of ship subjected to wave loads and the characteristics of small damped ship systems are analyzed. It is considered that accompanied by free vibration plays an important role in the field of prediction of vibration response to wave loads.By comparing the theoretical differences between the time domain method and the frequency domain method, the superiority of the time domain method in dealing with this problem is found.Based on the numerical simulation of catamaran and the wave data, the vibration response of the ship under 16 sailing conditions is predicted. The results show that there is a high frequency component in the vibration response of the catamaran.The regular conclusion of the relation between the high frequency component and the frequency ratio is obtained, which provides a train of thought for the further study of the wave-induced vibration in the time domain.
【作者单位】: 海军工程大学舰船工程系;
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