[Abstract]:When there are special weather conditions such as typhoons, storms and other special weather conditions, ships may stop at a safe port or anchor to avoid wind and wind. However, during the period of berthing at an underwater dock, the outfitting ship built in the shipyard has no power during the construction period, and even the anchors are not good. Even during the typhoon season, it is impossible to anchor and avoid the wind at the Anchorage. It can only be stopped at the wharf to resist the wind through the mooring cable, which is vulnerable to destructive effects. In serious cases, the mooring cable is broken and the fender is damaged, thus causing the ship to crash into the wharf or overturn. It has caused serious losses to national property and human life, so how to verify whether the mooring safety of the ship can be guaranteed by the mooring cable is not supported by theory. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out scientific simulation work to analyze the motion state of the ship under construction under the action of typhoon in severe weather, to analyze the force of the cable, and to determine the reasonable mooring mode. To provide guidance for flood prevention and control of underwater ships. This paper is based on the mooring of a shipyard dock mooring in Dalian area. Two typical ship types, 3900 box container ship (C3900) and 180000 bulk carrier (BC1800), are selected. Two methods are used: one is to study the actual mooring mode and the number of mooring cables in the factory during a typical typhoon. Through the establishment of the actual mooring cable coordinate system and the meshing of the hull, considering various environmental factors, the mechanical analysis and calculation of each cable of the mooring band are carried out, and the maximum force of each cable in a certain period is calculated. In order to verify whether the tether of the cable meets the requirements of typhoon, the second is to simplify the environmental factors and get the stress of the ship by simplified calculation, so as to make decision on the mooring scheme, and compare the two methods. It is concluded that the simplified calculation basically reflects the actual situation, and can guide the work of preventing the attack on the spot.
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