[Abstract]:With the increasing demand for international oil and gas resources, more and more countries pay attention to the exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources. Because of its rich oil and gas resources and its controversial geographical location, the South China Sea has become the vanguard of discussion. At the same time, as the mainstream platform of offshore oil and gas exploitation, FPSO mooring system has been more and more widely used in deep-sea oil and gas exploitation. The study of FPSO mooring system is of great significance to the development of deep-sea oil and gas in China. In this paper, the motion response of the FPSO mooring system under extreme loads and the fatigue life of the mooring line are studied. Firstly, this paper introduces the research background and research object, and investigates the research status of the above two problems both at home and abroad. Secondly, the frequency domain analysis of an external turret FPSO mooring system is carried out in the frequency domain, and the motion response and tension response of the mooring system under the extreme environmental load in the South China Sea are checked based on the coupling calculation method. Then, the calculation method of fatigue strength of mooring system is comprehensively analyzed, and the calculation steps of fatigue damage of mooring line are given. Finally, the fatigue damage of a composite anchor line is calculated according to the dynamic response of the FPSO in S _ 4 sea area of the South China Sea, and the fatigue properties of the steel chain and cable are compared. The results show that the FPSO mooring system calculated in this paper satisfies the relevant rules and can guarantee the normal operation of the mooring system. The research work in this paper has certain reference significance to the actual ocean engineering design.
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