[Abstract]:The super-large floating structure is a kind of large-scale offshore engineering platform, which can be arranged in the predetermined sea area for aircraft take-off and landing and personnel stationed. It plays an important role in the protection of marine safety and the exploitation of marine resources. The super-large floating structure is usually connected by several modules, the scale of which is more than kilometer, and it will bear complex marine environmental load. The critical joints will bear combined loads, such as bending, torsion and shear, which may lead to serious fatigue problems. At present, the S-N curve method has been widely used in fatigue assessment of ship and ocean engineering structures, but there is no uniform standard in the field of ship and ocean engineering for fatigue damage assessment under complex stress condition. Therefore, in this paper, the multi-axis fatigue estimation of the single-module bracing joint in the form of longitudinal brace of the super-large floating structure is carried out, which provides the basis for the design and construction of the super-large floating structure. It can also be used as a reference for the study of multi-axial fatigue life assessment method for ship and marine engineering structures. The load of the single module in the wave is closely related to the structure form of the super-large floating structure. In this paper, the moment transfer function in the regular wave is calculated, and the influence of the center distance of the lower floating box on the vertical bending moment is analyzed. Then the stress response of brace joint is calculated by commercial finite element software and its amplitude and phase distribution are given to further analyze the multi-axial degree of stress at the joint. The change degree of principal stress direction is determined by the amplitude and phase of stress. Based on the analysis of stress response in regular wave and short-term sea condition, the change degree of principal stress direction is given in this paper. It provides a basis for multiaxial fatigue evaluation. Then, according to the results of multi-axial fatigue test, this paper analyzes and compares the common methods of selecting facing interface under simple multi-axis fatigue criterion, and discusses the effect of proportional and non-proportional stress state on multi-axial fatigue life, according to which the influence of proportional and non-proportional stress state on multiaxial fatigue life is discussed. It provides a basis for selecting multi-axial fatigue criterion for spectral fatigue analysis. Finally, a concrete method of fatigue spectrum analysis using multi-axis fatigue criterion under complex stress condition is established, and the spectrum analysis forms of stress spectrum transformation and common multi-axis fatigue criterion are given. Based on the short-term and long-term prediction, the fatigue damage results of structural brace joints under the main classification society method, the method recommended by the International Welding Society and the multi-axis fatigue spectrum analysis are compared. It is found that, except for a few waves, the direction of principal stress changes little under the unidirectional wave, and the effect of multi-axial effect on the fatigue life of the structure is small. However, considering that the structure will continue to encounter waves in different directions during the life cycle, the direction of principal stress changes greatly, and the multi-axis effect will reduce the fatigue life of the structure. Therefore, it is suggested to take into account the effect of the principal stress change on fatigue life of super-large floating structures under all-direction incoming waves.
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