发布时间:2021-07-21 14:27
High-speed planing crafts have successfully evolved through developments in the last several decades. Classical approaches such as inviscid potential flow–based methods and the empirically based Savitsky method provide general understanding for practical design. However, sometimes such analyses suffer inaccuracies since the air–water interface effects, especially in the transition phase, are not fully accounted for. Hence, understanding the behaviour at the transition speed is of fundamental imp...
【文章来源】:Journal of Marine Science and Application. 2020,19(03)CSCD
【文章页数】:17 页
1 Introduction
2 Pre-Planing and Planing Behaviour
2.1 Resistance Test Setup and Procedure
3 Numerical Simulation of Planing Hull
3.1 Numerical Modelling
3.2 Meshing Strategy
3.3 Verification and Validation of Simulations
3.3.1 Verif ication Procedure
3.3.2 Grid,Iterative and Time Step Uncertainty
3.3.3 Validation
4 Evaluation of Results from Different Methods
4.1 Prediction Using Savitsky Method
4.2 Experimental Results
4.3 Spray
5 Conclusions
【文章来源】:Journal of Marine Science and Application. 2020,19(03)CSCD
【文章页数】:17 页
1 Introduction
2 Pre-Planing and Planing Behaviour
2.1 Resistance Test Setup and Procedure
3 Numerical Simulation of Planing Hull
3.1 Numerical Modelling
3.2 Meshing Strategy
3.3 Verification and Validation of Simulations
3.3.1 Verif ication Procedure
3.3.2 Grid,Iterative and Time Step Uncertainty
3.3.3 Validation
4 Evaluation of Results from Different Methods
4.1 Prediction Using Savitsky Method
4.2 Experimental Results
4.3 Spray
5 Conclusions