发布时间:2017-09-10 22:35
更多相关文章: 船舶工程术语 术语提取 句法形式 词缀 语义场
【摘要】:术语是专业领域语言的灵魂。通过研究术语能更有效地理解专业学科的动态和发展。术语自动抽取是建立语料库的一项核心技术。目前的术语提取主要采取基于统计的,基于规则的和统计与规则相结合的方法。术语变异的存在使得术语的自动提取变得更加困难。 目前关于船舶工程英语术语变异的研究也十分稀少。为了填补这个空白,本文作者将《船舶工程名词》中的标准术语作为原型术语,而语料库中与标准术语不同形式却表达相近意思的术语作为术语变异。本文在文献综述的基础上,研究船舶工程英语术语变异的语言学特征。本文研究的语言特征在理论应用上丰富了术语学理论,在实际应用中,这些语言特征为自然语言处理中的术语自动提取提供了理论基础。主要研究的语言学特征包括:句法特征,形态学特征和语义特征。 从句法的角度研究船舶工程英语术语变异的特征,本文得出以下结论:两词术语变异的主要句法形式有名词加名词,名词加形容词,动名词加名词。而三词术语变异的主要句法形式有形容词+名词+名词,名词+名词+名词,名词+连词+名词。 从形态学角度来研究船舶工程英语术语变异特征,这一部分主要研究船舶工程英语术语变异中的名词和形容词的形态特征。在构成变异名词的词缀中,-tion,-ion以36.4%的频率占据第一位,紧接其后的是频率35.8%的-er和频率29.0%的-ment。在构成变异形容词的词缀中,-a1以49.3%的频率占据第一位,紧接其后的是频率23.1%的-ing和频率6.7%的-ese。 从语义学角度来研究船舶工程英语术语变异特征,这部分的研究主要是基于语义场的理论之上。在研究样本中,术语变异通常发生在同一语义场中。其中,同义关系比例占据第一位,频率为78.9%。反义关系占11.9%。还有两种占比列较少的语义关系:上下文关系和整体与部分关系。
【关键词】:船舶工程术语 术语提取 句法形式 词缀 语义场
- 摘要5-6
- Chapter 1 Introduction10-13
- 1.1 Research Background10-11
- 1.2 Research Questions11
- 1.3 Significance of the Study11
- 1.4 Layout of the Thesis11-13
- Chapter 2 Literature Review13-23
- 2.1 Review of Terminology13-16
- 2.1.1 Definition of Terminology13-14
- 2.1.2 Characteristics of Terminology14-15
- 2.1.3 Introduction of Computational Terminology15-16
- 2.2 Review of Terminology Variation16-19
- 2.2.1 Definition of Terminology Variation16-17
- 2.2.2 Categories of Terminology Variation17-19
- 2.3 Review of Terminology Extraction19-23
- 2.3.1 Linguistic Approach19-20
- 2.3.2 Statistical Approach20-22
- 2.3.3 Hydride Approach22-23
- Chapter 3 Research Methodology23-29
- 3.1 Materials Used in the Study23-24
- 3.2 Tools and Procedures of Data Collection24-27
- 3.2.1 Tools Used for Data Collection24
- 3.2.2 Procedures of Data Collection24-27
- 3.3 Procedures of Data Analysis27-29
- Chapter Four Results and Discussion29-52
- 4.1 Analysis of Syntactic Variation29-42
- 4.1.1 Distribution of Frequent Syntactic Pattern of Term Variation of Two Words29-35
- Distribution of Frequent Syntactic Pattern of Original Term of Two Words29-31
- Distribution of Typical Syntactic Pattern of Ship Engineering English Term Variation of Two Words31-33
- Rules for Syntactic Pattern of the Ship Engineering English Term Variation of Two Words33-35
- 4.1.2 Distribution of Frequent Syntactic Pattern of the Term Variation of Three Words35-42
- Distribution of Frequent Syntactic Pattern of Original Term of three Words35-37
- Distribution of Frequent Syntactic Pattern of Term Variation of Three words37-40
- Rules for Syntactic Pattern of ship Engineering English Term Variation of Three Words40-42
- 4.2 Analysis of Morphological Variation42-47
- 4.2.1 Analysis of Morphological Feature of Noun in Morphological Variation44-45
- 4.2.2 Analysis of Morphological Feature of Adjective in Morphological Variation45-47
- 4.3 Analysis of Semantic Variation47-52
- 4.3.1 Introduction of Semantic Variation in Ship Engineering English Field48-50
- 4.3.2 Analysis of Synonymy Variation in Ship Engineering English50-52
- Chapter 5 Conclusion52-59
- 5.1 Major Finding of the study52-56
- 5.1.1 Syntactic Characteristics of the Ship Engineering English Term Variation52-53
- 5.1.2 Morphological Characteristics of the Ship Engineering English Term Variation53-55
- 5.1.3 Semantic Characteristics of the Ship Engineering English Term Variation55-56
- 5.2 Implication56-57
- 5.2.1 Theoretical Implications56-57
- 5.2.2 Practical Implication57
- 5.3 Limitations57
- 5.4 Suggestion for Future Study57-59
- References59-61
- Acknowledgements61-62
- Resume62
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1 梁爱林;论术语学概念理论的发展[J];术语标准化与信息技术;2003年04期