第34卷 第1期 146 2014年1月5日 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报
Proceedings of the CSEE Vol.34 No.1 Jan.5, 2014 ©2014 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.
DOI:10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2014.01.017 文章编号:0258-8013 (2014) 01-0146-07 中图分类号:TM 73
(1.湖南大学电气与信息工程学院,湖南省 长沙市 410082;
2.浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江省 杭州市 310058)
Critical Node Identification for Complex Power Grid Based on Electrical Distance
TAN Yudong1, LI Xinran1, CAI Ye1, ZHANG Yudong2
(1. College of Electrical Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, Hunan Province, China;
2. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang Province, China)
ABSTRACT: It is extremely important to prevent blackouts to understand the mechanism of cascading failure propagation in power networks. The physical laws which govern the flow of power through network were studied. To solve the problem that classical complex network model can not explicitly incorporate the laws governing the flow of electricity within networks, the electrical distance between pairs of nodes was calculated according to superimposed principle based on the information contained in the character of power network. The characteristic identification model of power grid was built with a more comprehensible physical background than the existing model based on the electrical coupling connectivity metric which is defined according to electrical distance between nodes. Case study on IEEE test systems shows the internal heterogeneous structural characteristics of power grids. The electrical coupling connectivity metric was applied to critical nodes identification in power grids. The IEEE 39-bus system and regional power grid of Hunan province were analysed and the time domain simulation shows the presented indicator is more reasonable and effective than the topological degree.
KEY WORDS: critical node; complex network; electrical distance; node electrical coupling connectivity metric; scale-free property; vulnerability index
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(51137003,61233008)。 Project Supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (51137003, 61233008).
复杂电网模型相比,该模型更符合电力系统实际。通过对IEEE标准示例系统的计算,揭示电网内在的异质结构特性,并将该指标应用于电力网关键节点识别。对IEEE 39节点系统和湖南某地区电网进行分析计算,时域仿真结果表明,所提指标比拓扑度指标更为合理有效。
0 引言
近年来,国内外电力系统大停电事故频发,尤其是印度“7 30”大停电事故,促使人们对电网安全提出了更高的要求[1-3]。现代电网复杂性与日俱增,,传统还原论方法已难以为继。因此,迫切需要以系统论观点深入研究电力网,揭示其本质一般性规律。
现有电力系统结构特性研究大多基于经典复杂网络模型,从网络拓扑角度分析电网的结构特性及其对故障传播的影响。文献[4-6]通过对中美典型电网的拓扑结构进行比较并定性地分析了小世界网络特性对连锁故障传播的影响,研究表明大部分电力网络属于小世界网络,并认为小世界网络较小的平均距离和较高聚类系数等性质,对故障的传播起到了推波助澜的作用。文献[7]进一步说明了电力系统中存在少量的节点(线路)拥有远远大于其它节点(线路)的介数,这些节点(线路)的缺失会导致大量最短路径的重新分布,进而引起系统连锁故障。以上研究指出了电网结构脆弱性与连锁故障发生机理之间的联系。但并没有很好地结合决定网络潮流分布的基尔霍夫定律。针对该问题,有部分研究引入了与电力系统相关的网络性能指标或参量,文 献[8]提出了带权重的线路介数作为脆弱线路指标