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发布时间:2018-08-16 19:23
[Abstract]:The condenser is the core facility of the condenser equipment, is an important link in the thermal cycle of the power plant to deal with exhausted steam, is the "cold end" of the thermal cycle of the power plant. The condenser vacuum degree, i.e. the condenser pressure, is an important index to characterize the condenser performance. If the condenser vacuum degree is too low, i.e. the condenser pressure is too high, it will affect the safe operation of steam turbine and return water pipeline and many other equipment. The condenser is mainly divided into two heat transfer areas, namely the main condensation area and the air-cooled area. The role of the zone is to condense most of the steam. The role of the air-cooled zone is to condense the remaining steam. The inclusion of non-condensable gas in the steam is cooled. The pumping load of the pumping equipment is reduced and the vacuum of the condenser is maintained basically unchanged. The mass content of non-condensable gases such as air inclusion increases correspondingly. Thermal resistance of heat transfer in air-cooled zone is higher than that in main condensation zone, and coefficient of heat transfer is lower than that in main condensation zone. The internal structure of the condenser or the use of new tube, from the overall improvement of the heat transfer effect of the condenser, or the improvement of condenser matched with the extraction equipment, improve the extraction effect, help to maintain the vacuum of the condenser. Especially using heat pump technology to enhance heat transfer in the air-cooled zone, let heat pump evaporator directly into the condenser air-cooled zone heat transfer, this field is basically blank. The heat transfer characteristics of heat pump evaporator tube bundles in the air-cooled zone were analyzed. 2. Based on the research team, the heat transfer characteristics of the air-cooled zone were analyzed. The physical model of local enhanced heat transfer in condenser is established in this paper. The mathematical model of local enhanced heat transfer in condenser is established according to the physical model. 3. The mathematical model of local enhanced heat transfer in condenser is used to numerically simulate various scales and configurations of the "quench zone" in the air-cooled zone. The results show that the pressure in the air-cooled zone decreases and the heat transfer coefficient in the air-cooled zone increases as long as the "quench zone" is set in the air-cooled zone. Two or three groups of adjacent heat exchanger tubes are set as "quench zone" in the air-cooled zone. The results show that the heat transfer effect is better when three groups of adjacent heat exchanger tubes are set as "quench zone", and the heat transfer effect is better when the "quench zone" is set at the rear of the air-cooled zone. Two or three groups of non-adjacent heat exchanger tubes are used as the "quench zone". The numerical results show that the heat transfer effect of setting two groups of adjacent heat exchanger tubes as the "quench zone" is better than that of setting three groups of non-adjacent heat exchanger tubes as the "quench zone", and the heat transfer effect of setting the "quench zone" in the rear section of the air-cooled zone is better. It is technically feasible to set up "quench zone" in the air-cooled zone, which is conducive to improving the heat transfer efficiency of condensers and improving the economy of power plants.


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