[Abstract]:The traditional drive and control mode of rotary motor combined with roller rod is a common strategy to produce linear motion in industrial control. Its control precision will be reduced because of the intermediate conversion mechanism, while the (PMSLM) of permanent magnet synchronous linear motor (PMSM) will be reduced because of its high thrust. The advantages of high acceleration, good dynamic response and high positioning accuracy are gradually used in high speed and high precision machining machine tools. In order to realize the accurate position control of PMSLM, it is very important to obtain accurate real time moving position of linear electric maneuvers. The closed loop control system of linear motor usually uses high resolution position sensor to detect the moving position of linear electric motor, such as grating ruler, magnetic grating ruler and so on. However, the position sensor requires a very high working environment and requires additional external auxiliary circuit modules to work properly. In addition, the requirements of the installation process are also very stringent. In view of a series of disadvantages brought by position sensor to the control system, the position sensorless control technology is applied to the direct drive control system of permanent magnet synchronous linear motor (PMSM). It overcomes the limitation of the position sensor to the linear motor closed-loop drive control system. In this paper, the sensorless control technology is studied to estimate the motion position of linear motor. Firstly, the working principle of PMSLM is briefly analyzed. Based on the principle of coordinate transformation, the mathematical equations of PMSLM in dq and 伪 尾 coordinate systems are derived. Aiming at the disadvantages of position sensor in the traditional linear motor closed-loop drive control system, a position estimation vector control system for PMSLM mover based on sensorless control technology is proposed. In the PMSLM position sensorless control system, due to the lack of additional position sensors to detect the initial pole position of the linear motor, In this paper, the initial position detection method of PMSLM and the power-up method of PMSLM without position sensor are studied in this paper. Secondly, based on the state estimation theory of nonlinear systems, the position sensorless control technology of PMSLM is studied. According to the working principle of Kalman filter, this paper studies one of its other forms, the extended Kalman filter algorithm (EKF), and the working principle of EKF algorithm. At the same time, the recursive calculation formula is deduced. According to the recursive structure of EKF algorithm, the state mathematical equation of PMSLM is established. At the same time, the simulation control model of PMSLM sensorless position estimation system based on EKF algorithm is built in M MATLAB. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can accurately estimate the real-time motion position of the linear motor, and can track the moving position of the linear motor in a wide range of positions, and has good dynamic response and robustness. Finally, the hardware control platform of the experiment is built, and the position estimation algorithm of the EKF mover is verified by the hardware-in-the-loop simulation control system AD5435. The precision of the EKF estimator is analyzed by the experimental results. The results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and has a good tracking performance for permanent magnet synchronous linear motors (PMSM). The research on the real-time position estimation of PMSLM sensorless movers is of great significance in the field of high speed and high precision direct drive closed-loop control system.
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