发布时间:2021-09-25 16:24
太阳能是以太阳辐射的形式从太阳获得的能量。太阳能取决于光伏系统和热力发动机。如今,这些技术广泛专注于为并网系统和独立负载提供可靠的电力,最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)是光伏系统的重要组成部分。本文设计了一种低成本,高性能的微型太阳能逆变器,研究了将SCR全桥电路与交错式反激有源钳位相结合以实现具有220W输出的微型太阳能逆变器,并提供整个系统硬件架构和控制策略,通过实验进行了有效验证。在此逆变器的基础上,本文设计了由太阳能光伏组件和MPPT,DC-DC Boost转换器,DC-AC转换器建立的模型相结合的光伏并网仿真系统,并在不同的照射下(500W/m2和1000W/m 2之间)对该系统进行仿真。仿真结果表明,所设计的光伏并网仿真系统能够准确跟踪最大功率点。由于光伏阵列的转换效率非常较低,本文根据实际情况将模糊控制的MPPT方法用于控制器设计并在低于最大功率点负载的电阻负载条件下进行测试,实验证明和传统光伏并网最大功率点跟踪算法,如扰动观测法(Perturbation and observation method)和导纳增量法(Increment...
【文章页数】:58 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Significance
1.2 Research Status at Home and Abroad
1.3 Components of a Grid Connected PV System
1.3.1 Photovoltaic PV Technologies
1.3.2 Switched Mode DC-DC Converters
1.3.3 Storage Batteries
1.3.4 Charge Controller
1.4 Organization Structure of Papers
1.5 Summary of This Chapter
Chapter2 Design of System Scheme and Construction of Hardware Platform
2.1 System Block Diagram
2.2 Auxiliary Power Supply Design
2.3 Active Clip Fly Back Designed as Independent Front End Converter
2.3.1 Overview of Active Clamp Fly Back Converters
2.3.2 Zero-voltage Switching for Active Clamp Fly-back Design Considerations
2.4 Isolated MOSFET Bridge Drive Circuit Design
2.5 Firmware Design
2.6 Firmware Structure
2.7 Grid-Tie Convert and PLL Controller
2.8 Current Controller
2.9 Test Waveforms in Lab
2.10 Summary
Chapter3 photovoltaic Grid Connected(MPPT)Algorithms
3.1 Algorithms Classification
3.2 MPPT Control Algorithms
3.2.1 P&O Method
3.2.2 Incremental Conductance Method
3.2.3 Fuzzy MPPT Controller
3.2.4 Fuzzy Rules and Inference Method
3.3 Summery
Chapter4 System Simulation and Test
4.1 Simulation Results
4.2 Stable Environmental Conditions
4.3 Slow Increase in Radiation
4.4 Rapid Increase in Radiation
4.5 Slow Increase in Temperature
4.6 Rapid Increase in Temperature
4.7 Summary
Chapter5 Conclusions and Future work
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Future work
【文章页数】:58 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Significance
1.2 Research Status at Home and Abroad
1.3 Components of a Grid Connected PV System
1.3.1 Photovoltaic PV Technologies
1.3.2 Switched Mode DC-DC Converters
1.3.3 Storage Batteries
1.3.4 Charge Controller
1.4 Organization Structure of Papers
1.5 Summary of This Chapter
Chapter2 Design of System Scheme and Construction of Hardware Platform
2.1 System Block Diagram
2.2 Auxiliary Power Supply Design
2.3 Active Clip Fly Back Designed as Independent Front End Converter
2.3.1 Overview of Active Clamp Fly Back Converters
2.3.2 Zero-voltage Switching for Active Clamp Fly-back Design Considerations
2.4 Isolated MOSFET Bridge Drive Circuit Design
2.5 Firmware Design
2.6 Firmware Structure
2.7 Grid-Tie Convert and PLL Controller
2.8 Current Controller
2.9 Test Waveforms in Lab
2.10 Summary
Chapter3 photovoltaic Grid Connected(MPPT)Algorithms
3.1 Algorithms Classification
3.2 MPPT Control Algorithms
3.2.1 P&O Method
3.2.2 Incremental Conductance Method
3.2.3 Fuzzy MPPT Controller
3.2.4 Fuzzy Rules and Inference Method
3.3 Summery
Chapter4 System Simulation and Test
4.1 Simulation Results
4.2 Stable Environmental Conditions
4.3 Slow Increase in Radiation
4.4 Rapid Increase in Radiation
4.5 Slow Increase in Temperature
4.6 Rapid Increase in Temperature
4.7 Summary
Chapter5 Conclusions and Future work
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Future work