发布时间:2024-05-27 19:05
【文章页数】:89 页
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation and Research questions
1.3 Research objectives
1.4 Thesis outline
Chapter 2: State estimation of power networks using the Weighted Least Squares method
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Background
2.1.2 Literature review
2.2 The maximum likelihood estimation method
2.3 Measurement model and assumptions
2.4 Weighted least squares state estimation
2.4.1 Measurement function
2.4.2 Measurement Jacobian
2.5 Observability Analysis
2.6 Bad Data Detection and Identification
2.7 State Estimation Accuracy
2.8 Algorithm of the simulation model developed in MATLAB
2.9 Test results
2.9.1 SE with perfect measurements
2.9.2 SE for measurements having Gaussian noise
2.9.3 Bad Data Analysis
2.10 Summary
Chapter 3: Fast Decoupled State Estimation method of power networks
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Background
3.1.2 Literature review
3.2 Fast Decoupled State Estimation Model
3.2.1 Measurement function
3.2.2 Measurement Jacobian
3.2.3 Gain Matrix
3.3 Bad Data Detection and Identification
3.4 Algorithm of the simulation model developed in MATLAB
3.5 Test results
3.5.1 SE with perfect measurements
3.5.2 SE for measurements having Gaussian noise
3.5.3 Bad Data Analysis
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4: State Estimation of Photovoltaic Grid-Integrated Power System
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Background
4.1.2 Literature review
4.2 Extended State Estimation Algorithm
4.2.1 Steady-State Model of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Generation System
4.2.2 Power Flow Analysis of a Grid-Integrated Photovoltaic System
4.3 Weighted Least Squares Algorithm for Integrated Power System
4.3.1 Measurement function
4.3.2 Measurement Jacobian
4.4 Bad Data Detection and Identification
4.5 Implementation of the Algorithm in MATLAB
4.6 Case Study Description
4.7 Test Results
4.7.1 Measurements of the grid without PV
4.7.2 Measurements of the grid with PV
4.7.3 Bad Data Analysis
4.8 Summary
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Future work
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Conclusions
5.2.1 State estimation of power networks using weighted least square method
5.2.2 State estimation of power networks using Fast Decoupled State Estimation method
5.2.3 State estimation of photovoltaic-grid integrated power system
5.3 Future Work
A: IEEE 14 Bus System Parameters
Table A.1: Line Data
Table A.2: Bus Data
Table A.3: Transformer Tap-Setting Data
Table A.4: Shunt Capacitor Data
B: IEEE 30 Bus System Parameters
Table B.1: Line Data
Table B.2: Bus Data
Table B.3: Transformer Tap-Setting Data
Table B.4: Shunt Capacitor Data
C: Model Parameters of the PV power station sample under STC
Table C.1: Model Parameters of PV Arrays
Table C.2: Model Parameters of AC part
Table C.3: Operating Parameters of PCC and PV Generation System
【文章页数】:89 页
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation and Research questions
1.3 Research objectives
1.4 Thesis outline
Chapter 2: State estimation of power networks using the Weighted Least Squares method
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Background
2.1.2 Literature review
2.2 The maximum likelihood estimation method
2.3 Measurement model and assumptions
2.4 Weighted least squares state estimation
2.4.1 Measurement function
2.4.2 Measurement Jacobian
2.5 Observability Analysis
2.6 Bad Data Detection and Identification
2.7 State Estimation Accuracy
2.8 Algorithm of the simulation model developed in MATLAB
2.9 Test results
2.9.1 SE with perfect measurements
2.9.2 SE for measurements having Gaussian noise
2.9.3 Bad Data Analysis
2.10 Summary
Chapter 3: Fast Decoupled State Estimation method of power networks
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Background
3.1.2 Literature review
3.2 Fast Decoupled State Estimation Model
3.2.1 Measurement function
3.2.2 Measurement Jacobian
3.2.3 Gain Matrix
3.3 Bad Data Detection and Identification
3.4 Algorithm of the simulation model developed in MATLAB
3.5 Test results
3.5.1 SE with perfect measurements
3.5.2 SE for measurements having Gaussian noise
3.5.3 Bad Data Analysis
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4: State Estimation of Photovoltaic Grid-Integrated Power System
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Background
4.1.2 Literature review
4.2 Extended State Estimation Algorithm
4.2.1 Steady-State Model of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Generation System
4.2.2 Power Flow Analysis of a Grid-Integrated Photovoltaic System
4.3 Weighted Least Squares Algorithm for Integrated Power System
4.3.1 Measurement function
4.3.2 Measurement Jacobian
4.4 Bad Data Detection and Identification
4.5 Implementation of the Algorithm in MATLAB
4.6 Case Study Description
4.7 Test Results
4.7.1 Measurements of the grid without PV
4.7.2 Measurements of the grid with PV
4.7.3 Bad Data Analysis
4.8 Summary
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Future work
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Conclusions
5.2.1 State estimation of power networks using weighted least square method
5.2.2 State estimation of power networks using Fast Decoupled State Estimation method
5.2.3 State estimation of photovoltaic-grid integrated power system
5.3 Future Work
A: IEEE 14 Bus System Parameters
Table A.1: Line Data
Table A.2: Bus Data
Table A.3: Transformer Tap-Setting Data
Table A.4: Shunt Capacitor Data
B: IEEE 30 Bus System Parameters
Table B.1: Line Data
Table B.2: Bus Data
Table B.3: Transformer Tap-Setting Data
Table B.4: Shunt Capacitor Data
C: Model Parameters of the PV power station sample under STC
Table C.1: Model Parameters of PV Arrays
Table C.2: Model Parameters of AC part
Table C.3: Operating Parameters of PCC and PV Generation System