本文关键词: 保偏光纤 sagnac环 滤波器 模式双折射 参考光纤 待测光纤 出处:《广西师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of high precision optical sensing technology such as optical communication technology and fiber optic gyroscope, the stability of polarization state of output light is becoming more and more important. The characteristic of the polarization maintaining fiber is that the attenuation rate of the two polarization states is equal and the phase constant is very different, and the polarization state is much more stable than that of the ordinary fiber, so the research on the physical parameters of the polarization maintaining fiber is carried out. It has some guiding significance for the preparation of polarization-maintaining fiber, and there are many schemes for measuring the physical parameters of the polarization maintaining fiber. Based on the same principle of birefringent fiber sagnac interference loop, two methods of measuring the mode birefringence of polarization maintaining fiber are proposed in this paper. The theoretical analysis of the measurement model is carried out by means of the mathematical method of Jones matrix. The sagnac interferometer is used to be insensitive to loss and polarization independent of the output light field. By establishing the relationship between the mode birefringence and the output interference lines, the measurement purpose is achieved, and the transmission interference spectrum is verified by simulation. The main contents of this paper are summarized as follows: first of all. The basic principle of polarization-maintaining fiber and the application of sagnac loop are summarized because of its excellent properties such as temperature independent. High extinction ratio and polarization independent characteristics of the input light. Secondly, the hybrid fiber sagnac ring with high birefringence fiber is analyzed in detail. The filter characteristics of the filter are discussed, including the analysis of the sagnac ring reflectance spectrum and the transmission spectrum of the single high birefringence fiber. And two high birefringence optical fibers are inserted into the sagnac ring. The influence of different parameters on the transmission spectrum is discussed. And through the Matlab software to carry out a large number of numerical simulation of these transmission spectra. Finally, through the two kinds of interferometers mentioned above, the appropriate improvement. A scheme for measuring the mode birefringence of high birefringence fiber and low birefringence fiber is presented. The transmission interference spectrum is obtained by Matlab numerical simulation. The second method is focused on the measurement of low birefringence fiber mode birefringence. The shooting scheme is analyzed. It is concluded that the mode birefringence of fiber 2 can be measured even if the parameters of reference fiber 1 are unknown.
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