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发布时间:2018-02-11 22:27

  本文关键词: 电子信息制造业 零部件 全球贸易网络 出处:《上海社会科学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The global trade relationship of parts and components in electronic information manufacturing industry is a complex social network structure, which can be analyzed by using social network analysis method to understand its structural characteristics. In this paper, the global trade network pattern of electronic information manufacturing parts and components is studied from three aspects. First, the density index is adopted. The reciprocity coefficient and the central potential index of the graph are used to analyze the whole structure and evolution of the global trade network of components in electronic information manufacturing industry. The second is the analysis of the centrality and the centrality of the weighted network and the powerless network in the global trade of parts and components in the electronic information manufacturing industry by using the index of the centrality and the intensity of the points. The third is to study the core of the global trade-weighted network of electronic information manufacturing parts-edge structure and imbalance. The following conclusions can be drawn: in terms of overall structure, the global trade network of components in the electronic information manufacturing industry was not closely linked during the period from 1996 to 2015, and the number of trade relations among economies was relatively small, although there was an increasing trend in both. The phenomenon of export concentration is more serious, while the phenomenon of import concentration is relatively small. The central analysis of the unauthorized network of parts and components in the electronic information manufacturing industry is based on the central economies of the United States, Germany, France, Britain, and other countries. And its weighted network centers in China, Hong Kong, and a number of other Asian economies. From the perspective of the core-edge structure, the core of the global weighted trading network for components in electronic and information manufacturing industries is Hong Kong, China, In Singapore and the rest of Asia's leading economies, there are serious imbalances in the weighted trade network. China's position in the global trading network for components in the electronic information manufacturing industry has increased considerably. However, the dependence of individual economy is strong. Finally, through the above analysis, the paper puts forward the countermeasures of parts trade in electronic information manufacturing industry in China from the government and enterprises.


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6 周e,




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