本文选题:点目标 切入点:红外多波段 出处:《中国科学院研究生院(光电技术研究所)》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Detection and recognition of targets in all countries has always been committed to solve the key problems. With the rapid development of space exploration technology, accurate identification of many countries has been able to achieve the goal, but the recognition efficiency is not high. So in order to reduce the recognition time, they all hope in the distance will be able to identify the real target as far as possible. At this time, due to the distance far detector, the target was patchy, no shape information at all, the traditional image detection, recognition and tracking technology is no longer valid. But in the actual situation, around the target was accompanied by a lot of false targets and target feature similar. For distant targets, visible light detection and radar detection has lost the advantage, using infrared detection technology can effectively distinguish true and false targets. However, due to the photoelectric technology matures, the false target already and the real target doing very similar, The target becomes more and more difficult to distinguish between true and false information. Therefore, radiation infrared sensor using a single band obtained cannot distinguish between the two. Therefore, in order to improve the detection capability of the target, many countries began to infrared multi band characteristics of target, distinguishing the radiation information utilization target of multi band based on this, the research target and radiation characteristics with false targets in the infrared band and the difference in radiation intensity and radiation spectrum of the feature extraction and useful in design of algorithms for classification and recognition. The main research work includes the following aspects: (1) the temperature characteristic of the target: to establish the target model; analyze the target time and be heated; the heat balance equation is constructed and solved the goal; more goals and The temperature characteristics of three kinds of false target. (2) the infrared radiation characteristics of target: target radiation received under the ideal condition of the detector is calculated; the influence of reflection of the external radiation target radiation on the receiving detector discussion; analysis of the atmospheric transmission of infrared radiation attenuation were studied; the material emissivity effect on target infrared radiation. (3) analysis of band characteristics of targets: to analyze and compare the detector received target radiation; using control variable method to discuss the position of the sun, orbital inclination, shell thickness ratio, surface coating, effect of casing material and heat radiation characteristics and other factors on the different characteristics of target; target characteristics of different bands were based on band division. (4) multi band processing target: the band and the band radiation characteristics of target based on Web Based on the characteristics of firing rate, two recognition algorithms based on artificial statistics are proposed. Fischer discriminant analysis and back propagation neural network are used to recognize the true and false targets effectively. The recognition algorithms using single band, dual band and three band characteristic data are compared.
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