本文选题:近阈值电压技术 切入点:深亚微米 出处:《北方工业大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:从第一个真空管运算放大器的出现距今已有近百年的时间,运算放大器的体积、功耗等方面性能得到巨大改善,更接近理想运算放大器。在大多数模拟系统及混合信号系统中,运算放大器都是其中的一个完整部分,而且通常会根据功能的需求通过不同复杂程度的运放来实现。随着半导体工艺技术的发展改进,晶体管沟道长度在逐渐减小,电源供电电压也在降低,与此同时也为运算放大器的设计提出更复杂的课题。 就运算放大器的增益而言,随着沟道长度的减小,增益也不断降低。譬如,基于深亚微米级的二级运算放大器仅有几十分贝,传统的两级运算放大器已不能满足较高的增益需求。除此之外,功耗是集成电路设计中一个永恒不变的话题,降低功耗就意味着减少能量浪费、节约能源。本课题正是围绕深亚微米级高增益运放的设计,以及运放功耗的降低两大方面展开研究。 1.运放功耗:对集成电路来讲,其功耗主要由静态功耗、动态功耗两部分组成,目前在集成电路的功耗降低方面,降低方法主要有衬底驱动技术、功率门控技术和负偏压技术等。但对于功耗的降低,最核心的手段是降低供电电压。本课题正是通过降低电源电压并将电压降低至晶体管阈值电压附近,即近阈值电压技术,来实现超低功耗运算放大器的设计。 2.近阈值电路三级运放设计:在深亚微米级的工艺下进行三级运算放大器设计,包括电路结构设计、电路分析、性能仿真,以及运算放大器的电流源偏置电路设计等等。 最后简要总结论文内容、课题研究及完成情况,并对以后的学习目标方向做出展望。
[Abstract]:In most analog systems and mixed signal systems , the operational amplifier is a complete part of the operational amplifier . In most analog systems and mixed signal systems , the operational amplifier is a complete part of the amplifier , and the length of the transistor channel is gradually decreased and the supply voltage of the power supply is reduced as the development of the semiconductor technology is improved .
In terms of the gain of the operational amplifier , the gain is reduced along with the decrease of the channel length . For example , the conventional two - stage op amp can not meet the higher gain demand . In addition , the power consumption is a constant topic in the design of the integrated circuit , which means reducing energy waste and saving energy . The subject is the design of deep submicron high - gain op amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ;
1 . Power consumption of operational amplifier : The power consumption of IC is mainly composed of static power consumption and dynamic power consumption . At present , in the aspect of reducing power consumption of integrated circuit , the reduction method mainly includes substrate driving technology , power gate control technology and negative bias voltage technology . But for the reduction of power consumption , the most core method is to reduce the supply voltage . This problem is to realize the design of ultra - low power operation amplifier by lowering the supply voltage and lowering the voltage to the threshold voltage of the transistor , that is , near threshold voltage technology .
2 . Three - stage operational amplifier design of near - threshold circuit : A three - stage operational amplifier design is carried out at sub - micron level , including circuit design , circuit analysis , performance simulation , current source bias circuit design of operational amplifier , etc .
Finally , summarize the content , subject research and completion situation of the thesis , and make a perspective on the direction of learning goal in the future .
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