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发布时间:2018-04-19 15:04

  本文选题:印刷电子技术 + 导电银浆 ; 参考:《清华大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The wiring technology of traditional electronic circuits is mainly based on the process of subtraction, that is, copper clad etching process, which is characterized by complex process, high energy consumption, high cost and serious environmental pollution. In addition, the circuit board waste based on resin glass fiber board has a large amount of waste and low recycling value, which is often transported to the backward coastal areas of developing countries. Barbarous dismantling and incineration; the lack of effective supervision, causing serious local pollution problems, such as the notorious Guangdong Guiyu town. The most fundamental way to solve the above problems is to completely subvert the current copper plate wet etching technology and adopt a cheaper, environmentally friendly and effective new technology. The printing electronic technology of the process of the law and the dry process is being paid more and more attention by the researchers and industry circles. The research and application of printed electronic technology and its related printing materials have emerged in recent years. However, in the field of printed circuit board, especially the multilayer printed circuit board, because of its relatively complex structure, it still exists. A series of scientific and technological problems need to be solved. It is urgent to develop high performance printed conductive materials and new high precision interlayer interconnect technology. In this paper, based on the research of high performance conductive silver pulp, the common print paper is used as the base material model, and a set of process design and material formula is developed. The technical route for the preparation of the future green paper printing multilayer circuit board is to solve the difficult problem of interlayer interconnect technology and reduce the cost of the conductive silver pulp. The production technology of the multilayer circuit board based on ordinary printing paper (up to 10 layers) is successfully developed. The performance of this paper is basically in line with the requirements of the international IPC standard of the PCB industry, and has obvious cost advantages in the future scale manufacturing. At the same time, new ideas have been put forward to the future possible development direction of the possible green paper printed circuit board technology. The method of life cycle analysis (LCA) is the first time to study and analyze the environmental impact caused by paper printed circuit board technology in the life cycle. By comparing with the traditional epoxy board, it is found that the paper printed circuit board technology in this paper has two higher than traditional technology in environmental protection. Therefore, this paper systematically demonstrates the characteristics and advantages of paper printed circuit board technology in various aspects of preparation technology, performance and environmental protection. By making electronic device prototypes based on paper printed circuit boards, the technology is demonstrated in the low frequency, low density, low cost and short life medium and low end electronic devices. In addition, in view of the limitations of the application of conductive silver pulp technology in high power, high density electronic circuits, a zinc seed slurry and its related replacement high performance copper wiring technology are created based on the addition process. The research and development of zinc slurry and replacement copper solution formula are studied. The copper electronic circuits with pure copper grade conductivity have been successfully prepared, which can be printed on a variety of cheap substrates, such as polyester film, polyimide film and glass, and so on. Through a series of tests and analyses, this paper further proves that the electronic circuit made by the copper wiring technology has good mechanical properties and reliability. It can be used in conventional commercial flexible PCB, RFID tags and other components, and has wide application potential in high power, high density and high-performance electronic circuit products. Through the paper printed circuit board technology, high performance copper wiring From the two aspects of the printing and wiring technology and the material, this paper puts forward a more environmentally friendly, inexpensive and effective solution to the difficulties of the printing and electronic technology concerned in the academic and industrial circles, and demonstrates this paper by specific experimental design and test analysis. Compared with the characteristics and advantages of the current technology, this paper also describes the application prospects and advantages of the proposed materials and technical schemes in the future green printing electronics industry from the perspective of industrial application.



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