本文选题:红外高光谱成像 + 低温光学 ; 参考:《红外与毫米波学报》2017年01期
【摘要】:红外谱段是高光谱遥感中非常有用的波段,由于红外波段的能量小、焦平面探测器研制难、红外背景辐射大等原因,红外谱段的高光谱成像系统并不常见,目前仍然处于仪器发展阶段.本文介绍了一台机载热红外高光谱成像仪,它在8.0~12.5μm的光谱范围内可得到180个波段的光谱信息,光谱分辨率优于44 nm,光谱定标精度优于1 nm.仪器观测总视场14°,空间分辨率优于1 mrad,噪声等效温差优于0.2 K@300 K(平均).仪器于2015年5月开展了实验室辐射标定和光谱标定,并于2015年6月在中国浙江舟山开展了飞行试验,获取了指定区域的红外高光谱图像,处理结果表明红外高光谱数据立方体可以有效地反演地表温度和地表辐射率,反演的发射率曲线可以用于地物识别.
[Abstract]:Infrared spectrum is a very useful band in hyperspectral remote sensing. Because of the small energy of infrared band, the difficulty of development of focal plane detector and the large infrared background radiation, the hyperspectral imaging system in infrared spectrum is not common. At present, the instrument is still in the stage of development. In this paper, an airborne thermal infrared hyperspectral imager is introduced. The spectral information of 180 bands can be obtained within the spectral range of 8.0 渭 m and 12.5 渭 m. The spectral resolution is better than 44 nm and the calibration accuracy is better than 1 nm. The total field of view observed by the instrument is 14 掳, the spatial resolution is better than 1 mradand the equivalent temperature difference of noise is better than that of 0.2KKR 300K. The instrument carried out laboratory radiation calibration and spectral calibration in May 2015, and flight tests were carried out in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, China, in June 2015. Infrared hyperspectral images of designated areas were obtained. The processing results show that the infrared hyperspectral data cube can effectively retrieve the surface temperature and the surface emissivity, and the inverse emissivity curve can be used to identify the ground objects.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所空间主动光电技术重点实验室;
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