[Abstract]:In some important occasions, equipment failure will cause huge economic losses. With the development of science and technology, the internal structure of equipment is becoming more and more complex, and the difficulty and expense of manual maintenance are becoming higher and higher. After decades of development, the technology of fault prediction and health management has become an important means to reduce the cost of equipment maintenance, and has been widely used in many situations. The fault prediction of digital circuit is still in the exploration stage. Digital circuit is an indispensable part of people's life, and the research of its fault prediction and health management scheme is of great value. Through the research trends of fault prediction and health management at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the research and implementation methods of fault prediction and health management technology, and makes a pioneering study on fault prediction and health management schemes for digital circuits. Combined with the popular machine learning methods, this paper takes 74LS280 as an example, analyzes the chip features and related performance indexes, mining the data features of its performance degradation in the aging test data, and puts forward a method to predict the occurrence of faults. This method is easy to implement and has strong universality. In order to complete the experiment, a platform is designed to test the characteristic parameters of 74LS280. The platform design includes selecting sensors, simulating the hardware platform of using environment, and software platform for reading test data and transmitting to PC. Based on the support vector machine (SVM) method, a fault model is established by using the test data of 74LS280, which is used to diagnose the faults of other chips. As an extension, two data preprocessing methods are presented to optimize the training model to achieve faster training results or lower model errors. After the model is established, this paper proposes to estimate the trend of 74LS280 health value by least square method and to predict the residual life, and to improve the life prediction value by using the method of inertial storage data storage. Because the change of data with time does not show a monotonous trend, although the prediction value of residual life in this paper can not guarantee the accuracy of the numerical value, but it has enough to serve as an indication to the maintenance personnel, it has certain practicability.
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