[Abstract]:In recent years, organic light-emitting diode (OLED) has attracted much attention because of its high response speed, no backlight and flexible bending. At present, OLED full-color display and solid-state lighting have been applied to our real life. However, due to the high three-wire energy level of the blue photoluminescence guest, the lack of the host material with the high three-line state results in the poor performance of the blue OLED, which affects the overall development of OLED. At present, there are two methods to improve the performance of Blu-ray OLED: to develop new main materials and to improve device structure. The development of new main materials is the most effective and the most commonly used method to improve the performance of OLED devices. In this paper, a new spirodifluorene derivative material, PF-SBF., was synthesized by coupling reaction with palladium as catalyst. Then, after a series of characterization of PF-SBF, a series of blue light OLED. was prepared using it as luminescent material and host material. The main contents are as follows: (1) two kinds of simple OLED, have been prepared by using PF-SBF as luminescent material and single host material respectively, but the performance of the two kinds of devices is not satisfactory; (2) the maximum brightness and current efficiency of blue light OLED prepared by optimizing the structure of TAPC and PF-SBF were 7857 cd/m2 and 16.70 cd/A;, respectively. (3) the maximum brightness and current efficiency of green light OLED prepared by using TAPC and PF-SBF as double main body are as high as 23390 cd/m2 and 50.50 cd/A., respectively. Although the performance of Blu-ray OLED based on PF-SBF has been greatly improved after optimization, the performance of this blue-ray device can only be considered as unsatisfactory because of the low three-wire energy level of PF-SBF. In order to obtain higher performance blue light devices, we synthesized a series of spirofluorene oxyanthracene derivatives PF-SFX,C8OPF-SFX-C8OPF and 4C8OPF-SFX in a similar way based on PF-SBF. The blue light OLED. was prepared by using it as the main body. The main results are as follows: (1) A simple blue light OLED with PF-SFX as a single main body shows the performance of the turn-on voltage, the maximum brightness and the maximum current efficiency are 6.80 Vt 3247 cd/m2 and 8.74 cd/A, respectively; (2) when the PF-SBF is replaced by PF-SFX,C8OPF-SFX-C8OPF and 4C8OPF-SFX by using a similar structure to TAPC:PF-SBF as a two-body system, The maximum current efficiency of blue light devices is 22.56U 25.93C 19.06 and 19.43 cd/A, respectively, and the maximum luminance is 6421C 6196C 5806 and 2257 cd/m2., respectively. The results show that breaking the carbon-carbon bond and introducing oxygen can increase the three-wire energy level of the host, which is more consistent with the commonly used three-wire energy level of the phosphorescence guest, and greatly improves the blue luminescence efficiency.
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