[Abstract]:As one of the core components of the electronic system, the performance of the frequency source has a decisive effect on the working quality of the whole system. With the development of radio communication technology, the spectrum resources are increasingly scarce. Therefore, the development of high frequency broadband frequency source with excellent performance has important research value and practical significance. Based on this background, a wideband frequency source with output band of 20-40GHz is proposed, and good power flatness and spurious suppression are realized in the broadband. In this paper, the basic composition, working principle and performance parameters of the PLL frequency source are introduced briefly. Then according to the technical specifications and the working characteristics of the available devices in the market, the advantages and disadvantages of several broadband frequency synthesis techniques are analyzed, and the implementation scheme of "broadband single-loop phase-locked PLL 2 double frequency" is finally determined. The subject is mainly divided into the following three modules: (1) the selection of 10-20GHz broadband single-loop phase-locked frequency source module, the design of cavity and layout, and the later circuit debugging; (2) device selection, circuit design and fabrication, test and result analysis of 20-40GHz second frequency doubling module; (3) realization of frequency selective segmental filtering of VCO output signal of 10-20GHz and second frequency doubling signal of 20-40GHz. The previous work includes the planning of frequency band, the design of filter and the choice of switch chip. Later work is mainly circuit design, cavity processing, module testing and debugging. After completing the test of each unit module, they are cascaded one by one to test, and the test results can meet the technical requirements of the subject as much as possible by debugging the modules at all levels. Finally, the problems encountered in the experiment are reviewed and summarized, and the reasons for the uncompleted index items are analyzed from the technical and program aspects, and the next improvement scheme is put forward.
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