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发布时间:2019-01-11 21:26
[Abstract]:With the development and application of micro-electromechanical system, the research of micro-mechanics has become a hot spot. Because of its advantages of non-contact, full-field and high precision, the method of photomechanical measurement has been widely used in deformation measurement of materials and structures in different fields. Grating, as an important sensor in deformation measurement, has attracted much attention. Therefore, how to locate the measurement area accurately and fabricate grating quickly has become an important problem. Different gate making methods have different advantages and limitations. Laser has very high instantaneous power, small heat affected zone, high quality and precision of micromachining. Compared with other grating fabrication methods, laser etching eliminates the process of making template and development, can be directly etched, the fabrication area can be adjusted, and the location is accurate. In this paper, nanosecond laser and femtosecond laser are used to fabricate micro-grating systematically. The main contents are as follows: (1) the geometric phase method (GPA) based on grating and scanning electron microscope (SEM) moire method are studied to characterize the structure of grating with different frequency and area. The method of grating frequency representation based on phase-based two-dimensional Fourier transform is deduced and simulated. The relationship between the amplification ratio and the reference gate frequency in SEM moire method is established. (2) the nanosecond laser fabrication method for micro-scale grating is studied. Starting with the basic etching line segments, the processing conditions of different materials are compared and analyzed, and the energy density threshold of different materials is obtained. The process of etching grating first by coating is put forward, and the problem of laser selectivity to materials is solved. The process of nanosecond laser grating fabrication is further analyzed by the relationship between Gao Si energy and distance of grating. Horizontal and orthogonal gratings with a frequency of 10 lines / mm have been fabricated on aluminum film. The grating structure is regular and the pitch is stable. (3) the fabrication method of micro-scale grating by femtosecond laser is studied. Femtosecond laser etching system was used to etch the grating on the surface of quartz glass specimen. The fundamental parameters of femtosecond laser etching point and line segment are studied. The processing mechanism of the grating is analyzed, and the parallel grating with a frequency of 500-wire / mm is fabricated. The analysis of the grating frequency shows that the maximum error of the pitch distance of the grating is 0.95. The micro-scale grating fabricated by femtosecond laser can be used to characterize the surface structure and measure the deformation of SEM moire. (4) the micro-scale grating is fabricated by nanosecond laser on the coated sample. The horizontal tensile test and V-shaped crack tensile test were successfully carried out. The experimental results show that the grating can be conveniently fabricated on the surface of the specimen by nanosecond laser, and the deformation measurement on the micro scale can be realized by combining the optical measurement method.


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