[Abstract]:With the development of semiconductor technology, the integration of SoC is becoming more and more high, and the functions realized are becoming more and more complex. The design method of SoC based on bus is difficult to meet the requirement of the system. Network on-chip (NoC,Network on a Chip) as a new communication architecture is gradually replacing bus as the mainstream SoC design method. Compared with bus, NoC has higher communication parallelism, better scalability and more convenient communication mechanism (global asynchronous-local synchronization). More and more scholars and research institutions have carried out in-depth research on it. Their research focuses on the topology, routing algorithm, switching mode and flow control technology of the network. In order to ensure that NoC can provide the most basic communication service, the network is required to have higher communication efficiency and lower power consumption. In this paper, we study a "circuit-switched" NoC, used in heterogeneous multi-core systems. Although the network can provide communication services in the process of task execution, there are still some cases where communication efficiency is not high. It affects the working speed of the system. In order to further improve the performance of the system, this paper analyzes the causes of the low communication efficiency through experiments and theories, and gives the optimization scheme of improving the communication efficiency from the aspects of network structure and communication mechanism: 1. The design and implementation of two new types of double-port network, "the same dimension order" double-port network and "diagonal" double-port network. The resource nodes in these two networks can receive or send two channels of data at the same time. On the one hand, the resource nodes can work in flow mode, on the other hand, they can transmit large-scale data in segments. 2. This paper designs and implements two compatible multicast "circuit switching" networks, which use XY routing algorithm and UP DOWN routing algorithm respectively. Both networks can use "circuit switching" to complete the "single source and multi-purpose" communication task through a single communication. On the basis of completing the optimization design, different experimental conditions are designed to test it, and the performance of different networks is compared and analyzed through the experimental results. It is proved that the optimization design can greatly improve the communication efficiency of the network and achieve the optimization goal.
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