[Abstract]:With the rapid development of microelectronics technology and the continuous decrease of process size, the reliability of digital circuits is seriously threatened. The aging caused by NBTI (Negative Bias Temperature Instability) effect greatly affects the life cycle of digital circuits and degrades the performance of digital circuits. The research on the anti-aging methods of digital circuits has become particularly important to ensure the reliability of digital circuits. In this paper, the anti-aging methods of digital circuits are studied with emphasis on the reliability of digital circuits. The main work is as follows: 1. The aging effect affecting the life cycle of digital circuits is introduced in detail. The generation mechanism, mathematical model and protection methods are analyzed in detail. In this paper, several typical static aging protection methods for digital circuits are described, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. 2. An efficient selection method for aging critical gates considering circuit topology is proposed. Select the most critical set of gates for circuit aging. It overcomes the two problems of high time cost of traditional key gate selection scheme and over-protection against circuit aging. The experimental results of ITC99 and ISCAS standard circuits show that the circuit has the same working life under the premise that the circuit has the same working life. Compared with the existing key gate lookup methods, the efficiency of this scheme is increased by 3.97 times on average, and the area overhead is reduced by 27.21. 3. An aging shielding cell based on transistor switching characteristics is designed. In the course of dynamic operation of the circuit, the critical gates with large jump delay can be protected, thus the transmission delay of the critical path can be reduced, and the transmission delay of the critical path can be reduced so that the critical path can meet the timing constraints without the influence of aging, and the circuit will be at risk of failure.
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