[Abstract]:With the development of electronic technology, analog circuits are developing towards large scale and integration. The probability of circuit components failure is greatly increased, and the failure of individual components will often affect the normal operation of the whole system. With the development of science and technology, more strict requirements are put forward for the fault testing and diagnosis of analog circuits, which makes the research on the fault field of analog circuits more important. Some traditional fault diagnosis methods are no longer suitable for the current circuits. With the artificial intelligence technology represented by neural network and wavelet theory, chaos, particle swarm optimization and other new methods merging into the field of fault diagnosis, these new methods open a new way for analog circuit fault diagnosis. The research on fault diagnosis of analog circuits tends to be diversified and practical. It is a developing trend to study the efficient fault diagnosis method. This paper discusses the fault diagnosis of analog circuit, and studies the fault diagnosis method of analog circuit based on neural network and chaotic neural network. The main contents are as follows: (1) the theory of neural network is expounded in detail. The flexible application characteristic and effective classification performance of neural network are studied, and the fault diagnosis of analog circuit is carried out by using wavelet neural network. (2) in fault feature extraction, A fault feature extraction method combining wavelet decomposition and fuzzy clustering is proposed to filter out redundant and noise components, extract fault features effectively and reduce the dimension of fault information. (3) an analog circuit fault diagnosis method based on chaotic neural network is proposed. The characteristics of chaos ergodicity, randomness and sensitivity to initial values are combined with the learning and mapping ability of neural network. The neural network has chaotic characteristics, improves the convergence speed of neural network, improves the learning and generalization ability of neural network, and improves the efficiency of fault diagnosis. (4) in order to verify the correctness of the proposed method, ORCAD10.5, is used. The actual circuit is simulated by MATLAB software. Simulation results show that the proposed method can further improve the efficiency of analog circuit fault diagnosis and has a good fault location ability for soft faults.
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