[Abstract]:In this paper, a portable infrared detector using new material is proposed, which is composed of four modules. The infrared detection module uses the InSb infrared detector, the data storage and calling module uses the ferroelectric memory based on the ABi _ 2Nb _ 2O _ 9 (A = Ba, Pb, Sr, Ca), the data processing and analysis module uses the graphene high-performance processor which is also in the theoretical demonstration, The life module uses the VS _ 2 substrate as the hydrogen evolution reaction hydrogen battery of the catalyst. Based on the theory, density functional theory, and the first principle method based on it, the four new materials of the four modules are analyzed through the process of constant processing, as follows:1. For InSb (110) surface, we used the first principle to calculate the oxygen and sulfur atoms on the In atom and the Sb atom by the VASP software. The results of the comparison show that the system property after the surface sulfur adsorption of InSb (110) is more stable than that of oxygen adsorption, which also explains why the surface of InSb is to be vulcanized. The structure, electronic properties, chemical bonds and spontaneous polarization of ABi _ 2Nb _ 2O _ 9 (A = Ba, Pb, Sr, Ca) systems are studied by using the first principle of density functional theory. In which the analysis of the chemical bonds combines the molecular (AIM) theory in the atom of the bader. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the ferroelectric origin of the ABi _ 2Nb _ 2O _ 9 ferroelectric, and to understand the change trend of the electron structure and the polarization property of these materials with the A-bit ion. 2. The polarization of SBN is calculated by modern polarization theory, and the polarization of BBN, PBN and CBN is predicted by a theory. We have investigated the structural defects of the graphene that have been reported to date. We will discuss the formation of these defects and their impact on the properties of the graphene. In order for the following discussion to be simple and clear, although there may be a few kinds of lattice defects in nature, we only discuss the simplest ones. We will pay particular attention to the defect of a single-layer graphene, since the defect types of the double layer and the multi-layer graphene already exist in the graphite, and have been discussed early in advance. At the same time, the state density and the energy band structure after the first principle are analyzed. The two-dimensional VS _ 2 nano-material has been present as an electric catalyst with high efficiency and low cost for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). To further improve their performance in the hydrogen evolution reaction, we must understand their catalytic mechanism and their behaviour in various original or defective structures. In this paper, we use the first principle to calculate the structural stability, electron and hydrogen evolution of single-layer VS _ 2 nanosheets with various intrinsic point defects. Compared with the most studied 2H-phase MOS _ 2-based surface, the VS _ 2 base surface of both the 2H-phase and the 1T-phase exhibited excellent catalytic activity. Because of their metal properties. After introducing intrinsic electrical defects on the VS _ 2 substrate, we found that there were four stable defects in the 2H phase (i.e., Sad, Svac, Vad, and Vs) and three stable defects in the 1T phase (i.e., Sad, Svac, and Vad). In addition, the formation of Svac, Vad, and Vs in the 2H phase and the Vad structure in the 1-phase phase can be used to improve the HER behavior of the base surface, which means that the VS _ 2 nanosheet composition facilitates the acquisition of the high-HER performance in the case of V-rich. The HER behavior on the original or defective VS _ 2 structure can be well understood by a Fermi-abundance model. Such a model is also suitable for describing a wide electro-catalytic HER system. Our work provides an in-depth study of the HER behavior on single-layer VS _ 2 and a method of guiding the synthesis of highly efficient electrocatalysts in transition metal disulfides.
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