Scalable Multi-harmonic Large-Signal Model for AlGaN/GaN HEM
发布时间:2020-12-09 19:13
A scalable large-signal model of AlGa N/Ga N High electron mobility transistors(HEMTs)suitable for multi-harmonic characterizations is presented.This model is fulfilled utilizing an improved drain-source current(Ids) formulation with a geometry-dependent thermal resistance(Rth) and charge-trapping modification.The Idsmodel is capable of accurately modeling the highorder transconductance(gm),which is significant for the prediction of multi-harmonic characteristics.The thermal resistance is identi...
【文章来源】:Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2017年05期 第952-959页
【文章页数】:8 页
1. Drain-source current
2. Geometry-dependent thermal resistance
3. Trapping effect dispersive model
4. Extrinsic and intrinsic parasitic parameters
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【文章来源】:Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2017年05期 第952-959页
【文章页数】:8 页
1. Drain-source current
2. Geometry-dependent thermal resistance
3. Trapping effect dispersive model
4. Extrinsic and intrinsic parasitic parameters
[1]Ku波段宽带氮化镓功率放大器MMIC[J]. 余旭明,洪伟,王维波,张斌. 电子学报. 2015(09)
[2]An Improved Gate Charge Model of HEMTs by Direct Formulating the Branch Charges[J]. LIU Linsheng. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2014(04)
[3]基于GaN HEMT的1.5-3.5GHz宽带平衡功率放大器设计[J]. 冷永清,张立军,曾云,鲁辉,郑占旗,张国梁,彭伟,彭亚涛,官劲. 电子学报. 2013(04)
[4]AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管解析模型[J]. 杨燕,王平,郝跃,张进城,李培咸. 电子学报. 2005(02)