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发布时间:2016-08-23 17:19


Title: Application of ground probing radar in geological forecast for tunnel construction in epimetamorphic rock zone of QianDong 

  作者: 朱建群1,关辉辉1,周勇2,罗小文3

  Author: ZHU Jian-qun,GUAN Hui-hui,ZHOU Yong,LUO Xiao-wen

  作者单位: 1.湖南科技大学 岩土工程研究所,湖南 湘潭 411201;2.贵州高速公路开发总公司 贵州 贵阳 550004;3.中国建筑第五工程局有限公司 湖南 长沙 410004

  摘要: 隧道工程中存在许多难以预计的不良工程地质现象,其严重影响隧道的正常施工.在对区域地质和掌子面岩性勘查的基础上,通过对厦蓉线黔东浅变质岩区的探地雷达图像解译分析,探讨了裂隙带、断层破碎带及富水带的雷达图像特征,以此说明建立“以地质法为基础,探地雷达为主要物探手段”的综合超前地质预报体系的重要性,为该区雷达测试提供图像信息库.

  Abstract: There are some unfavorable geological phenomena,which have a strong bad impact on tunnel construction. The advanced geological forecasts for epimetamorphic rock were perfected in tunnels of Qiandong zone at Xiarong Line. The images of GPR were analyzed on the basis of geological condition of region and lithology of tunnel face. The features were discussed,include geologic radar features images of rock integrity, fault fracture zone, enriched ground water zone and fissure zone. So it is important during the advanced geological forecast to build a complex method,a basis of geology and a main geophysical method of GPR. And for a certain area, all images enrich the geological information of GPR.

  关键词: 隧道;浅变质岩;探地雷达;超前地质预报

  Keywords: tunnel; epimetamorphic rock; ground probing radar; advanced geological forecast

  中图分类号: TU444

  收稿日期: 2010-09-07

  基金项目: 贵州省交通运输厅科技项目(2010-122-032);湖南省科技厅计划项目(2009TP4039-2)

  通信作者: 朱建群(1975-),女,江西上饶人,博士,副教授,主要从事岩土工程方面的教学与研究.E-mail:zhu-jq@163.com

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