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发布时间:2018-01-12 20:18

  本文关键词:涪陵页岩气田发现的启示与思考 出处:《地学前缘》2016年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 页岩气 富集规律 五峰组-龙马溪组 焦石坝 涪陵页岩气田 启示 思考

【摘要】:位于四川盆地东缘焦石坝构造的涪陵页岩气田,已探明地质储量3 806×108 m3,是北美地区以外,首个实现商业开发的页岩气田。焦石坝构造是一个受北东向和南北向两组断裂体系控制形成的菱形断背斜,其特殊的构造背景对页岩气的富集具有重要控制作用。涪陵页岩气田的产层为五峰组-龙马溪组页岩,具有富有机质页岩厚度大、有机质丰度高、有机质热演化程度高、脆性矿物含量高、地层压力系数高、单井产量高、裂缝发育、烷烃碳同位素倒转等特点。3年的勘探开发表明,涪陵页岩气田普遍高产、稳产,证实为高产富集的页岩气田。本文通过对区域地质特征的解剖和对涪陵页岩气田基本特征的总结,结合前人对美国页岩气田的研究,提出了涪陵页岩气田发现的启示与思考。结论认为:首先,证实中国存在高产页岩气田,但富集因素与美国不同,正向构造和晚期区域走滑作用极为重要;其次,天然裂缝的发育是页岩气富集高产的关键;第三,几乎所有的商业性页岩气田都是地层超压;第四,讨论了页岩气的运移问题,认为页岩气通过短距离的运移传递,可以实现大范围的运移聚集;第五,提出基于商业回报和资源利用不同角度的考量,可能会影响生产方式的选择;第六,中国页岩气发展需要技术、思路创新和长远视角,必须重视深层海相、陆相和盆地外常压页岩气的研究。
[Abstract]:Fuling shale gas field, located at Jiaoshiba structure in the eastern margin of Sichuan Basin, has proved geological reserves of 3 806 脳 108 m3, which is outside North America. The first shale gas field to realize commercial development. The structure of Jiaoshiba is a rhombohedral fault slope controlled by two groups of fault systems: NNE and NNW. Its special tectonic background plays an important role in controlling the accumulation of shale gas. Fuling shale gas field is produced by Wufeng formation-Longmaxi formation shale with high thickness of organic matter shale and high abundance of organic matter. The thermal evolution of organic matter is high, the content of brittle minerals is high, the formation pressure coefficient is high, the production of single well is high, the fracture is developed and the carbon isotope of alkane is inverted. The exploration and development of three years shows that Fuling shale gas field is generally high in yield. Stable production is proved to be a high concentration shale gas field. Based on the anatomy of regional geological characteristics and the summary of the basic characteristics of Fuling shale gas field, combined with the previous research on American shale gas field. The enlightenment and thinking of the discovery of Fuling shale gas field are put forward. The conclusions are as follows: firstly, the existence of high-yield shale gas fields in China is confirmed, but the enrichment factors are different from those in the United States, and the forward structure and the late regional strike slip are extremely important; Secondly, the development of natural fractures is the key of shale gas enrichment and high yield. Third, almost all commercial shale gas fields are stratigraphic overpressure; In 4th, the problem of shale gas migration is discussed. It is considered that shale gas migration and accumulation can be realized in a large range by short distance migration. 5th, based on the consideration of different angles of business return and resource utilization, it may affect the choice of production mode; In 6th, the development of shale gas in China needs technology, thinking innovation and long-term perspective. It is necessary to pay attention to the study of deep marine facies, continental facies and atmospheric pressure shale gas outside the basin.
【作者单位】: 中国石化勘探分公司;
【基金】:国家油气重大专项(2011CX05005-003) 国土资源部油气专项(2009GYXQ15-06)
【正文快照】: GUO TonglouExploration Company,SINOPEC,Chengdu610041,ChinaGUO Tonglou.Discovery and characteristics of the Fuling shale gas field and its enlightenment and thinking.Earth ScienceFrontiers,2016,23(1):029-043国不同,正向构造和晚期区域走滑作用极为重要;其次,


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