《Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computa
《Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing(Volume 2)》2009年
A solution for TSP based on Artificial Fish Algorithm
【摘要】:TSP is well-known issue in the field of mathematics. With the increasing calculation nodes,the convergence degree and computing difficulty of TSP will increase enormously. Artificial fish is an optimize algorithm based on biology model putting forward at present. We describe the relative knowledge of artificial fish algorithm,propose an artificial fish algorithm model for TSP,then make the qualitative analysis of the basic process for simulating TSP.
I. INTRODUCTION TSP for which means traveling salesman problem refers that, it has been known the distance of n cities for each other, now there is a businessman who wants to travel this cities, he will travel every city only once and return the original
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6 高翔;海洋;;遗传算法应用[J];赤峰学院学报(自然科学版);2009年03期
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8 刘信生;陈海钰;;TSP的一个多项式近似算法[J];西北师范大学学报(自然科学版);2009年03期
9 殷瑞华;徐义贤;;TSP-203在鹰嘴岩隧道超前地质预报中的应用[J];工程地球物理学报;2009年03期
10 杨荣师;李金娟;徐露;俞相阳;;贵阳市西郊PM_(10)污染特征及其与主要气象因素的关系探讨[J];贵州大学学报(自然科学版);2009年02期
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