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发布时间:2018-01-25 10:26

  本文关键词: 数据挖掘 异常点 地质异常体 物探解释 物性分级 出处:《长江大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Yunnan province is one of the serious water shortage in the provinces in China. Yunnan water diversion project to alleviate the water shortage in Yunnan, has an important significance for the complicated geological environment beneficial to the people's livelihood. Mountain tunnel excavation is an important part of the water diversion project, the correct evaluation of rock mass quality and characteristics, accurate and timely judgment of geological anomalous body the position, not only can reduce the construction cost, but also has important significance to guide the tunnel construction safety. The region is located in the mountains, deep buried tunnel, the conventional drilling method, geochemical exploration is not suitable, can only get some information by geophysical methods. According to the apparent resistivity data obtained by means of conventional geophysical prospecting, geophysical interpretation results are rough. This paper uses several methods of data mining, data obtained from the apparent resistivity is more abundant, the refinement of the information, will contribute to the diversion project of the geological exploration work. When the rock containing metallic minerals, carbon and clay minerals of good conductivity, effects of mineral composition on the apparent resistivity. In general, the main influence factors of rock resistivity for rock porosity, water content and salinity of water. The overburden, fault, fracture zone and erosion area geological anomalous bodies. Compared with the surrounding rock, will be reflected in their physical characteristics, the apparent resistivity will appear low resistivity changes, especially in the surface water (groundwater) interaction, showed low resistance characteristics. Based on the apparent resistivity of rock body reaction, in order to find out a proper as the cut-off point detection method of resistivity anomaly, while using the resistivity data image processing method for effective visualization, so that it can be more intuitive display height variation features of the data, and then combine the two division Overlay analysis found that the abnormal geological body, the physical properties of tunnel surrounding rock classification. Research methods and means of data mining using the process of this research, including the relationship between try method combined with drilling data using association rule mining to find out the lithology and the apparent resistivity, and lithology; abnormal point detection using improved extremum variance hierarchical method in detection of apparent resistivity data; using activity hierarchical method as the dividing point of the abnormal resistivity data; singularity detection theory to detect the abnormal apparent resistivity data using wavelet transform, analysis of geological body on the abnormal distribution. Jiangsu Yixing Youche reservoir in Jiangsu province between the parent town of lake of Yixing City you Che Cun and Yangxian tea plantation, obtained apparent resistivity data using high density resistivity method, the report on the results of exploration in some areas is made clear, the research is convenient Comparison and evaluation of the effectiveness of the method. Therefore, this study chose this data as the experimental data than the model method, through comparison and screening, finally selected a set of wavelet transform and image processing based on the combination of data mining methods to divide the covering layer, analysis of geological anomalous body, for classification of tunnel rock. First the resistivity data using histogram equalization processing method and visual expression, so that it can be more intuitive display level variation data; on this basis, the calibration of the covering layer of the resistivity image location and analysis of its performance characteristics using borehole data, summed up the classification rules and cover the covering layer division; then using one-dimensional wavelet transform into two detection of abnormal point apparent resistivity data, combined with the apparent resistivity data figure Like expression, divided into abnormal area section, and the control of abnormal regional geological map of the reasons for the formation of a reasonable explanation, the method is proved to be reasonable division of rock mass anomaly areas; finally, using wavelet transform to detect transversal abnormal point of apparent resistivity data, the tunnel axis as the center, the next section the 25m area as the study area, on the basis of the demarcation point in study area sub district, statistical tools use ArcGIS statistics on the apparent resistivity and the mean value of each partition classification, formation of the cross section of the tunnel buffer property evaluation and control of engineering visualization. Yunnan diversion -- Shigu Wangcheng slope Xianglushan tunnel. Long distance, deep buried in the construction process is likely to encounter problems such as karst seepage and stability of surrounding rock, causing tremendous danger to the safety of construction. The selected data mining Model method is applied in this project, comparison of mining results and geophysical interpretation results, the overall trend consistent interpretation and explanation of the method of conventional geophysical prospecting, local finer. Method of partition of the region along the tunnel by the transverse boundary point method in wavelet abnormal to ensure the difference between section internal identity and the section of scientific and reasonable evaluation, statistics and classification in this district, to ensure the rationality of the results. The data mining method of wavelet transform and image processing combined with the main data processing based on, reduces the dependence on the interpretation of experience. The method can assist the drilling work. Can effectively carry out property grading evaluation of construction along the section, to provide reference for the safety of tunnel construction.



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