发布时间:2018-01-26 17:43
本文关键词: 斑岩-浅成低温热液型 斑岩-矽卡岩型 冈底斯成矿带 班公湖—怒江成矿带 成矿潜力 陆相火山岩 西藏 出处:《地球学报》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:西藏主要成矿带是东特提斯成矿域的重要组成部分。1999年以来,中国地质调查局地质大调查的全面实施,国家公益性基础研究的不断深入和商业性勘查的及时跟进,真正意义上的找矿突破得以实现。论文在前人资料和研究成果综述的基础上,结合研究团队近年来的研究进展,总结了西藏各成矿带主要矿床的地质特征和成矿规律,梳理了若干影响勘查评价和找矿突破的重大问题,构建了主要矿集区的勘查模型,提出进一步找矿方向和资源潜力。西藏四大成矿带特色鲜明,东特提斯成矿域集聚了从新特提斯洋俯冲-碰撞的多种矿床类型,控矿因素复杂,主要矿床类型为斑岩-矽卡岩-浅成低温热液型铜多金属和岩浆热液脉型矿床,成岩成矿时代从170 Ma到12 Ma,具有成矿时代跨度大、矿床类型丰富、成矿元素复杂、矿石质量较好之特点,已经成为我国最重要的资源储备基地。藏东玉龙成矿带除了斑岩型铜(钼)矿以外,斑岩体外接触带的矽卡岩型矿床具有重要工业价值,如玉龙Ⅱ、V号矿体、昂青银铅锌(铜)矿,成岩成矿时代在40~38 Ma,成矿岩体和矿体受北西向走滑构造控制的背斜控制。冈底斯成矿带类型发现识别出赋存于林子宗群典中组的低硫化浅成低温热液型矿床,显示谢通门—昂仁县以西林子宗群分布区寻找斑岩-浅成低温热液型铜多金属(银、金、铅锌)矿床具有重要意义;矿床学研究成果作为构造地质背景确定的指针之一,认为印度大陆和亚洲大陆的碰撞事件发生在52~50 Ma,至少典中组火山岩还是陆缘弧的产物,并形成典型的浅成低温热液矿床,甚至斑岩-浅成低温热液矿床;含矿斑岩接触带有碳酸盐岩,接触带和深部需要勘查评价矽卡岩型铜多金属矿体或铅锌银矿体,90~13 Ma侵位的花岗斑岩、花岗闪长斑岩可形成规模较大的矽卡岩型矿床,甲玛、驱龙外围的知不拉、邦铺、洞中拉—蒙亚啊矿集区、努日、尕尔穷—嘎拉勒等矿床均具有相似的特征,而这种类型矿体较之斑岩型铜(钼)矿更具工业价值。班公湖—怒江成矿带多龙矿集区120~116 Ma的斑岩-浅成低温热液成矿系统形成斑岩型-高硫化浅成低温热液型-隐爆角砾岩型矿床,~110 Ma的陆相安山质火山岩——美日切错组(K1m),作为良好的成矿后盖层,是该类矿床得以保存的必要条件;班—怒结合带两侧形成于140~110 Ma的则弄群、多尼组、去申拉组、美日切错组等安山质、英安质、流纹质火山岩具有强烈的蚀变,发育火山机构,是新特提斯洋俯冲形成的产物,成矿地质背景类似于南美安第斯成矿带,显示良好的成矿潜力。西藏已经初步查明的铜资源量6 000万吨,钼资源量300万吨,共伴生金1 000 t,共伴生银25 000 t,铅锌资源量1 000万吨,已经成为我国最重要的有色金属储备基地,研究认为西藏铜的资源潜力将超过15 000万吨。
[Abstract]:The main metallogenic belt in Tibet is an important part of the East Tethys metallogenic region. Since 1999, the geological survey of China Geological Survey has been carried out in an all-round way. With the deepening of national public welfare basic research and the timely follow-up of commercial exploration, the real breakthrough in prospecting has been realized. Combined with the research progress of the research team in recent years, this paper summarizes the geological characteristics and metallogenic rules of the main deposits in each metallogenic belt in Tibet, and sorts out some important problems affecting the exploration, evaluation and prospecting breakthrough. The exploration model of the main ore concentration area is constructed, and the further prospecting direction and resource potential are proposed. The four major metallogenic belts in Tibet have distinct characteristics, and the East Tethys metallogenic region has accumulated many types of ore deposits which subducted and collided from the Neo-Tethys Ocean. The ore-controlling factors are complex. The main deposit types are porphyry skarn epithermal copper polymetallic deposit and magmatic hydrothermal vein deposit. The diagenetic and metallogenic ages range from 170 Ma to 12 Ma. It has the characteristics of large span of metallogenic age, rich deposit types, complex ore-forming elements and good ore quality. Yulong metallogenic belt in eastern Tibet, except porphyry copper (molybdenum) ore deposit, skarn deposit in porphyry external contact zone has important industrial value, such as Yulong 鈪,