本文关键词: 河流与地下水相互作用 热运移 温度示踪 数值模拟 榆溪河 出处:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As a tracer of groundwater circulation, water temperature is mainly used in river water and groundwater circulation and engineering groundwater leakage detection. Groundwater temperature is mainly affected by recharge water source temperature and human activities in the short term. The five test sites selected in the upper reaches of Yuxi River are not affected by human activities. The temperature data measured in this field experiment are mainly affected by the temperature of river water and groundwater. The results of temperature data analysis show that the temperature of groundwater varies with the depth of burial, the smaller the buried depth, the greater the influence of temperature of river water. The deeper the water is buried, the less it is affected by the temperature of the river. When the interaction between river water and groundwater reaches stability, the stable temperature of point 2 is close to that of river water, which is inferred to be recharge of groundwater. The steady temperature of point 3o 4 and 5 is close to the temperature of groundwater, and the temperature is high, which is deduced as recharge of groundwater water. At the same time, according to the analysis result of pressure pipe head measured by water level meter, the results of water head analysis are as follows: 1. The No. 2 points are decreased from the top to the bottom in turn, and the two test points are determined as recharge of groundwater by river water. The three points of 4 and 5 increase from the top to the bottom. The three test sites were determined as groundwater recharge river. The effects of river and groundwater on temperature change under different hydraulic slope and permeability coefficient were simulated by SEAWAT software. The variation of temperature with time and depth under different conditions is understood in detail. According to the simulation results, under the condition of the same temperature of river water and the same temperature of groundwater, no matter the permeability coefficient is the same, the difference of water head is different. When the water head difference is the same and the permeability coefficient is different, the temperature profile curves change gradually to the high temperature direction with time. The larger the water head difference or the permeability coefficient, the greater the exchange volume between the river and the groundwater, the larger the range of influence on the model layer, the faster the temperature change. On the other hand, the smaller the influence range on the model layer, the slower the temperature change. When the water head difference and permeability coefficient are the same, but the relationship between replenishment and drainage is different, the water exchange rate is the same when the water flow model reaches the stable state in the model. The temperature of river water is relatively low, and the temperature of groundwater is relatively high and stable. When the river recharges the groundwater, the whole temperature will be lower, which is close to the temperature of the river. When the groundwater recharge the river, the whole temperature will be higher, which is close to the groundwater temperature.
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