本文关键词: 煤炭开采 地下水 导水裂隙带 庆阳市 出处:《西北师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Water is the source of life. Most cities in northern China are short of surface water resources. In order to meet the needs of daily life, the phenomenon of excessive or blind exploitation of groundwater is common. Many areas have been overexploited to restore the original balance, and this phenomenon is more prominent in coal mining areas. Qingyang City is an important coal resource and production base in Gansu Province. And Qingyang is one of the regions where water resources are seriously short of in our province. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the study on the impact of coal mining on groundwater environment for the ecological environment protection of Qingyang city and the sustainable development of regional social economy. This paper takes the coal mine field of five mining areas of Qingyang coal base as the main research. District. On the basis of collecting a large number of coal field geological exploration and related mine geological data and mapping analysis, the hydrogeological conditions and the occurrence characteristics of first mining coal seam are analyzed, and the water quality and quantity of groundwater environment are analyzed. In terms of hydrogeological environment, the influence of coal mining on groundwater environment is analyzed. According to the geological structure characteristics of Qingyang area from south to north, the mining height of coal seam is about 12m. The resulting surface subsidence is 9-20 m; The calculation results of "two zones" (water conduction fracture zone and caving zone) height < specification > and formula "norm" of coal seam mining in each mine field in the main area are studied. By comparing and analyzing the development height of "two zones" and the distance between the first coal seam and the main aquifer, it is concluded that the coal seam mining in most areas of the studied mine field has little effect on the phreatic aquifer of the Quaternary pore fissure, but the lower Cretaceous sandstone. The confined aquifer of sand-gravel fissure will be connected by the water-conducting fissure zone, which is rich in water and high in water level, which will lead to mine water filling, and coal mining has the greatest influence on the aquifer. Combined with coal mining, groundwater runoff is recharged. Based on the analysis of the influence of discharge conditions, the influence degree of coal seam mining on groundwater resources in the main research area is predicted, and suggestions and countermeasures to slow down the influence of coal mining activities on groundwater resources in Qingyang are put forward.
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