本文关键词: 碳酸盐岩 定量分析 稀疏约束反演谱分解 多孔洞组合 Q值估算 出处:《中国石油大学(北京)》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Carbonate reservoirs in China have great potential for exploration and development, but the depth of oil and gas reservoirs is deep, the distribution of fractures and cavities is complex, and the exploration and development and quantitative prediction are difficult. Therefore, the quantitative analysis of seismic attributes of carbonate pores based on physical model is carried out, which lays a foundation for the subsequent reservoir prediction and reserve estimation, and takes the three-dimensional seismic physical model of carbonate reservoir in Hala Hattang area of Tarim as the data base. The seismic response characteristics of holes in buried hill karst area and interlayer karst area are studied, and the seismic attribute technology and 3D visualization technology are used to study the seismic response characteristics of holes in buried hill karst area and interbedded karst area. The quantitative relationship curve between the volume of hole reservoir and the real volume in buried hill karst area and interlayer karst area is established, and the different overburden structure of hole reservoir in buried hill karst area and interlayer karst area is analyzed emphatically. Based on the theory of spectral decomposition of sparse constrained inversion, the difference of relationship curves between engraved volume and real volume under different pore filling and different pore size factors is obtained. Based on the theory of spectral decomposition of sparse constrained inversion, an example of synthetic seismic records is obtained. Recognizing that the time-frequency energy spectrum has higher time-frequency resolution, better time-frequency focusing and better anti-noise than the traditional spectral decomposition methods such as STFTs transform and CWT, and can effectively reflect the local characteristics of the signal, The time-frequency phase spectrum not only clearly reflects the time-frequency energy distribution, but also has effectively identifiable phase information. The time-frequency energy spectrum decomposed by sparse constrained inversion spectrum is combined with the time-frequency phase spectrum. Used in the identification of multi-porosity reservoir assemblages in carbonate rocks, through regular hole combinations in physical model data, examples of cave-hole and layered vertical combinations, and an example of an actual seismic profile. It is shown that this method is helpful to judge the combination form and the number of pore components of the multi-porosity reservoir, and to provide a favorable basis for the subsequent reservoir prediction and quantitative estimation of the volume of the pore body. According to the sparsity of spectral decomposition of sparse constrained inversion and the reconfiguration of seismic signal, the post-stack seismic profile of carbonate physical model data and actual data is de-noised, and the random noise is effectively removed. The spectral ratio method is used as the basis of the algorithm. It is considered that the estimation method of Q value in frequency domain is very sensitive to the result of spectrum estimation, and accurate spectrum estimation is more favorable to the estimation of Q value. The problem of time-frequency resolution and poor noise resistance exists when the traditional spectral decomposition method is used to estimate Q value. The sparse constraint inversion spectral decomposition makes up for this defect. Therefore, a Q value estimation method based on sparse constraint inversion spectral decomposition is proposed. The advantages and effectiveness of this method are proved by an example of synthetic seismic data. It has been applied to carbonate pores with different gas content and different porosity, and some understanding has been obtained, which provides a basis for judging the oil-gas characteristics of pores.
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