本文关键词: 川中地区 茅口组 白云岩储层 主控因素 出处:《大庆石油地质与开发》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In order to further understand the reservoir characteristics and development control factors of the Lower Permian dolomite in central Sichuan, the core, cuttings, chip identification, scanning electron microscope and carbon and oxygen isotopes of Maokou formation were used in the study area. The data of catholuminescence and fluid inclusion analysis were analyzed by the method of geological analysis and geochemistry analysis. The results show that the dolomite of the Maokou formation is mainly composed of granulated dolomite, meso-fine-grained dolomite, breccia dolomite and a small amount of gray dolomite. The reservoir space is dominated by dissolved pores and caverns, followed by dissolved fractures and dissolved pores in grains. The formation process of dolomite is almost unaffected by buried depth, and it is mainly formed in tectonic-hydrothermal environment, and the lithologic composition of reservoir, and the formation of dolomite is not affected by the depth of burial, and there is little or no fresh water involved in the formation of dolomite. Dolomitization, tectonism and dissolution are the main controlling factors for the development of the dolomite reservoir in Maokou formation. The lithologic composition of the reservoir is the material basis for the development of the dolomite reservoir, and the moderate dolomitization is the necessary condition for the development of the reservoir. Tectonism is the key to the final development and spatial distribution of the reservoir, and dissolution is an important factor in the spatial distribution of dolomite reservoir.
【作者单位】: 复杂油气田勘探开发重庆市重点实验室;西南油气田分公司川中油气矿勘探开发研究所;长江大学油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室;
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