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发布时间:2018-02-16 10:52

  本文关键词: 孔隙水 滑坡 渗流 化学效应 数值模拟 出处:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:孔隙水是岩土体的重要组成部分,孔隙水与土体之间的相互作用是影响其物理力学性质的重要因素。流动的孔隙水不仅对土颗粒骨架施加渗透力的作用,更能够通过溶滤淋失、搬运沉积等作用,使得土体中的盐分溶出扩散,与土中所含矿物成分发生反应,影响土颗粒之间的作用力,进而发生一系列的分散絮凝作用,最终改变颗粒的尺寸与排列方式。渗流产生的孔隙水压力直接影响着土体的有效应力的大小,孔隙水排泄不畅产生的超孔隙水压力是土体破坏的重要诱发因素,强烈影响着诸如滑坡泥石流以及地基液化等地质灾害的激发启动模式。文章从孔隙水的化学与力学效应两方面,通过室内试验以及基于FLAC 3D的数值模拟,从微观结构到宏观的力学性能,详细阐述了在黄土台塬灌溉区孔隙水作用下的黄土滑坡机理。得出了以下结论:(1)随着溶液浓度的增大,黄土的渗透系数先下降后上升,这是由于黄土中粘土含量较少并且粘土颗粒主要作为粉粒之间的联结物,粘土颗粒的絮凝作用首先增大了粉粒之间的联结力,减小了孔隙体积,而当浓度升高到某一特定值时,絮凝作用形成的大颗粒之间孔隙体积逐渐增大,造成了渗透系数的上升。(2)不同离子类型对黄土渗透性的影响与其对粘性土的影响类似。阳离子价态越高、离子半径越大,黄土的渗透系数越大;而阴离子对渗透性的影响取决于其对粘土矿物表面电荷的中和能力和溶液体系的pH值,阴离子中和能力越强、溶液体系pH值越大,黄土渗透系数越小。(3)FLAC 3D数值模拟的结果显示随着灌溉时间延长和表层土体渗透系数的增大,坡体内的孔隙水压力逐渐升高,粉质粘土与马兰黄土的交界面处以及粉质粘土层内孔隙水压力升高较快,同时也是坡体内最大孔隙水压力的分布区域。灌溉停止后坡体内部的地下水在重力作用下继续下渗,表层土体的孔隙水压力逐渐下降,粉质粘土层内孔压继续上升。(4)在整个渗流过程中,坡体在X方向的位移随着渗流时间与表层渗透系数的增大而增大,位移发生的范围主要集中于马兰黄土与粉质粘土层内,最大位移发生于坡顶临空面的位置,竖直方向上的单位长度位移增量大于水平方向。
[Abstract]:Pore water is an important part of rock and soil, and the interaction between pore water and soil is an important factor affecting its physical and mechanical properties. The removal and deposition of the soil lead to the dissolution and diffusion of salt in the soil, reaction with the mineral components contained in the soil, which affects the interaction between the soil particles and a series of dispersed flocculation. The pore water pressure produced by seepage directly affects the effective stress of soil, and the excess pore water pressure caused by poor pore water drainage is an important inducing factor of soil failure. It has a strong influence on the excitation and start-up model of geological hazards such as landslide, debris flow and foundation liquefaction. In this paper, from the aspects of chemical and mechanical effects of pore water, laboratory tests and numerical simulation based on FLAC 3D are carried out. From the microstructure to the macroscopic mechanical properties, the mechanism of loess landslide under the action of pore water in the irrigated area of Loess Plateau is expounded in detail. The following conclusion is drawn: (1) with the increase of solution concentration, the permeability coefficient of loess decreases first and then rises. This is due to the fact that the clay content in loess is low and clay particles are mainly used as connectors between silt particles. The flocculation of clay particles firstly increases the bonding force between silt particles and reduces the pore volume, but when the concentration increases to a certain value, The pore volume between large particles formed by flocculation increases gradually, which results in the increase of permeability coefficient. The effect of different ion types on loess permeability is similar to that on cohesive soil. The higher the cationic valence state, the larger the ionic radius. The greater the permeability coefficient of loess is, the greater the influence of anions on permeability depends on the neutralization ability of anions on the surface charge of clay minerals and the pH value of the solution system. The stronger the neutralization ability of anions is, the greater the pH value of the solution system is. The smaller the permeability coefficient of loess is, the more the FLAC 3D simulation results show that the pore water pressure in slope gradually increases with the increase of irrigation time and permeability coefficient of surface soil. The interface between silty clay and Ma Lan loess and pore water pressure in silty clay layer are rising rapidly, which is also the distribution area of maximum pore water pressure in slope. In the whole seepage process, the displacement of slope in X direction increases with the increase of seepage time and surface permeability coefficient. The range of displacement occurred mainly in Ma Lan loess and silty clay layer, the maximum displacement occurred in the position of the top of slope near the empty surface, and the increment of unit length displacement in vertical direction was larger than that in horizontal direction.


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