本文关键词: 滑坡 分布规律 形成机理 监测预警 阈值 出处:《合肥工业大学》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The landslide is characterized by regional, mass occurrence and frequent occurrence, resulting in loss of life and property, destruction of geological environment and great harmfulness. Shexian County in Anhui Province is located in the central and eastern part of the mountainous area of southern Anhui Province. Landslide geological hazard is the most serious area in Anhui Province. In this paper, the forming conditions, space-time distribution characteristics and development law of landslide geological hazard in Shexian area are systematically studied, and the deformation and failure mode and formation mechanism of typical landslide are analyzed. The monitoring study of the gravel landslide has been carried out, and the following main research results have been obtained: 1. By means of data collection, on-site survey and other means, from natural geography, meteorology, hydrology, topography and geomorphology, The background conditions of landslide formation in Shexian area are analyzed in stratigraphic lithology and geological structure, and the hydrogeological conditions in Shexian area are expounded. In this paper, the basic characteristics of landslide distribution in Shexian County are summarized. The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of landslide disaster in Shexian County are analyzed. It is considered that landslide disaster is mainly affected by topography in spatial distribution. Because of the influence of geomorphology and fault structure, the coastal area of Ba-400m-800m is zonal, and the time distribution is mainly affected by heavy rainfall in flood season, and landslide disasters are concentrated in May and September of each year. The principle of landslide classification in Shexian County is established. A comprehensive landslide classification system including landslide material composition, structural characteristics and disaster mechanism is proposed. According to the classification method, the landslide in Shexian county is classified .4. through field investigation and analysis, combined with numerical simulation analysis, In this paper, the forming mechanism model of rock landslide in the study area is put forward. Taking the transverse mark landslide as a typical case, according to the characteristics of slope morphology, slope structure and deformation, the forming model of slip and pull type landslide in Shexian county is established. The stability evaluation of the landslide accumulation body is also carried out. It is considered that the landslide body is in an unstable shape in the case of heavy rainfall, and the formation model of the sliding to bending landslide in Shexian County is established. The formation process of landslide is inversed by discrete element method, the key elements of landslide formation are put forward, and the deformation characteristics of complex living body are analyzed and evaluated. It is concluded that local instability may occur when the stability of slope body is poor under heavy rain. Through field investigation and analysis, Dongshan landslide is a typical case. The forming mechanism model of gravel landslide in Shexian area is put forward. The deformation and failure process of Dongshan landslide is simulated and analyzed by using PFC (particle flow) numerical simulation method, and the forming mode of creeping landslide is established. The deformation and movement characteristics of slope body under different water content conditions are studied, and the critical moisture content of gravel landslide is obtained. The monitoring and early warning study of single landslide is carried out in this area. The most developed gravel soil landslide in Shexian County is taken as the research object. Selecting Widongshan landslide as demonstration site, the monitoring work of deep displacement of slope body, pore water pressure monitoring and rainfall are carried out, and the landslide monitoring demonstration site is established. It provides the basis and reference for the monitoring of similar landslide geological hazards in this area.
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