本文关键词: 山西A集团 人力资源规划 人力资源供需预测 出处:《石家庄经济学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since 21th century, more and more enterprise groups have begun to attach importance to the overall planning of human resources, because human resources is the guarantee for enterprises to obtain lasting competitive advantage. Make the enterprise have sufficient quantity and quality of human resources to support the sustainable development of the enterprise, ensure the realization of the medium and long term development strategy of the enterprise. The human resources department has been paid more and more attention to by more and more managers, and its role in the enterprise has been gradually promoted from the traditional passive role to the important strategic position of the enterprise. In order to improve productivity and product quality, it is necessary to attach importance to the construction of human resources in enterprises in accordance with their business principles. It is necessary to make human resource planning consistent with enterprise development strategic planning. Human resource planning plays a very important role in enterprise management and the realization of strategy. Firstly, this paper focuses on the basic principles of human resource planning from a strategic perspective. Focus on the strategic perspective of human resources planning connotation, characteristics and differences from the traditional human resources planning; secondly, the development of Shanxi A Group and the status quo of human resources are expounded. It also points out the problems existing in the human resource management of A Group, analyzes the human resource environment of Shanxi A Group by SWOT analysis, and then expounds the classification of the core human resource planning under the strategic perspective of Shanxi A Group. As well as strategic core human resources planning, strategic backbone human resources and general human resources, from the human resource supply and demand prediction, supply and demand balance, planning plan and structure formulation, etc. Finally, the author puts forward the supporting strategy of human resource planning from the strategic perspective of Shanxi A Group. Through the research, it is found that it is necessary to establish a scientific and reasonable human resource planning scheme and corresponding implementation support strategy for medium coal coke enterprises in Shanxi. Only in order to adapt to the needs of the society and the continuous development of enterprises, to promote the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises.
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