本文选题:杭州湾 切入点:潮间带 出处:《沉积学报》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:杭州湾庵东滨岸潮间带软底质沉积中发现的造迹动物有泥螺、珠带拟蟹守螺、弹涂鱼、宁波泥蟹、沙蚕、竹蛏、虹光亮樱蛤、海葵以及鸟类和植物等,包括软体动物、节肢动物、环节动物、脊索动物、腔肠动物等5个动物门类,共计8属,营造的生物遗迹主要有运动迹(爬迹、拖迹、足辙迹)、居住迹、觅食迹(进食迹)、生殖迹、停息迹、排泄迹、逃逸迹以及鸟类足迹和植物根迹等。分析表明潮间带不同的沉积环境,造迹生物及其遗迹的主要类型、空间分布、丰度、多样性具有明显的差异。1)研究区潮间带不同的沉积环境,造迹生物种类与分布不同,其遗迹的主要类型和分布特征具有明显的差异性,高潮区沉积物主要是富含有机质的砂质泥,生物遗迹包括珠带拟蟹守螺拖迹、停息迹和生殖迹,泥螺拖迹和停息迹,宁波泥蟹的觅食迹、居住迹和足辙迹,沙蚕的拖迹、觅食迹、居住迹和排泄迹,弹涂鱼的爬行迹和居住迹,以及鸟类足迹和植物根迹,其中层面遗迹以珠带拟蟹守螺的拖迹、沙蚕拖迹和觅食迹丰度最高,层内遗迹以沙蚕居住潜穴丰度最高,分布面积最广,扰动程度强烈,宁波泥蟹居住潜穴局部密集,扰动程度强烈,植物根迹密集,深度可达50~60 cm,这些生物遗迹常与平行直脊波痕和干涉波痕共生。中潮区沉积物主要由灰色粉砂和含砂粉砂构成,含水率较高,植被较稀疏。中潮区平坦的潮坪上生物遗迹主要由虹光亮樱蛤的居住潜穴和竹蛏的居住潜穴和摄食迹组成,丰度较高,具有少量泥螺拖迹以及植物根迹和鸟足迹。在中潮区潮沟两侧,沉积物颗粒较细,常见珠带拟蟹守螺的拖迹,宁波泥蟹的居住潜穴、足辙迹,弹涂鱼的爬迹。中潮区潮坪上多发育舌型波痕,生物遗迹多与舌型波痕共生。低潮区沉积物主要是灰色粉砂和粉砂质砂,含水率高,多为汤底,无植被,常见遗迹主要是虹光亮樱蛤的居住潜穴,竹蛏的居住潜穴以及少量海葵居住潜穴。2)沉积物的粒度、含水率影响遗迹的清晰度;3)由于受潮水、波浪运动的冲刷作用,沉积物表面的遗迹易被破坏,保存率极低,底内动物的居住潜穴保存率相对较高。该研究不仅为杭州湾潮间带沉积环境研究提供了新的现代生物遗迹信息,而且也可为古代强潮河口湾潮间带沉积环境中的古遗迹学研究提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:The trace animals found in the soft sediments of the intertidal zone along the east coast of Hangzhou Bay include mud snails, bead crabs, snails, marsupials, Ningbo mud crabs, silkworms, razor clams, bright cherry clams, sea anemones, birds and plants, including mollusks. Arthropods, annelids, chordates, coelenterates, etc., belonging to 8 genera. The living remains are mainly composed of movement tracks (crawling tracks, drag tracks, foot rutting tracks), residential tracks, foraging tracks (feeding tracks, reproductive tracks, rest tracks, etc.). Excretory tract, escape trace, bird footprint and plant root trace, etc. Analysis shows that the main types, spatial distribution, abundance of trace organisms and their remains in the intertidal zone are different from each other. Diversity has obvious difference. 1) the main types and distribution of trace organisms are different in different sedimentary environments of intertidal zone in the study area, and the main types and distribution characteristics of trace organisms are obviously different. The sediments in the climax area are mainly sandy mud rich in organic matter. The biological relics include the snail tracts of the bead like crab, the rest track and the reproductive track, the mud snail trailing track and the rest track, the feeding track of Ningbo mud crab, the dwelling track and the rutting track, and the drag track of the silkworm. Foraging, habitation and excretion, crawling and habitation of marsupials, and trace of birds and plant roots, of which the trace on the layer is the towing track of the bead crab-like snail, and the highest abundance of the tracts and foraging tracks of the silkworm, silkworm, silkworm, and silkworm. In the layer, silkworm has the highest abundance, the most widely distributed area, strong disturbance degree, local density, strong disturbance degree, dense plant root trace, the local density, the disturbance degree is strong, the plant root trace is dense, and the local density, the disturbance degree is strong, the plant root trace is dense. The depth can reach 50 ~ 60 cm. These biological relics are often symbiotic with parallel straight ridge ripples and interference ripples. The sediments in the middle tide zone are mainly composed of gray silt and sandy silt, and the water content is relatively high. The vegetation is relatively sparse. The flattened tidal flat living remains in the middle tide area are mainly composed of the living subterranean and the living dipping and feeding traces of the clam, and the abundance is relatively high. There are a small number of mud snail tracts, plant root traces and bird footprints. On both sides of the tidal trench in the middle tide area, the sediment particles are fine, the common pearl belt crab keeps the snail trailing track, the Ningbo mud crab inhabit the cave, and the foot rut is found. The creeping track of Elastic smear fish. Tongue type ripples are developed on the tidal flat in the middle tide area, and the bioremediation is symbiotic with the tongue ripple mark. The sediments in the low tide area are mainly gray silt and silty sand, with high moisture content, most of which are the bottom of the soup, without vegetation. The common remains are mainly the residential subterranean, the residential burrow of the clam, and the particle size of the sediment of a small amount of sea anemone. The moisture content affects the clarity of the relic. 3) because of the tidal water, the wave movement scour the remains. The sediment surface remains are easy to be destroyed, the preservation rate is very low, and the storage rate of subsurface animals is relatively high. This study not only provides new information for the study of sedimentary environment in the intertidal zone of Hangzhou Bay, but also provides new information for the study of modern biological relics. It can also be used for reference in the study of paleoclimatology in the intertidal sedimentary environment of the ancient strong tidal estuary.
【作者单位】: 河南理工大学资源环境学院;河南省生物遗迹与成矿过程重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41272117,41102002) 海洋地质国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(MGK1409)~~
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