本文选题:降雨 切入点:水平条分法 出处:《昆明理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The study of slope stability has a history of nearly 100 years. There are thousands of research results and documents on slope stability every year, but slope landslide disasters and losses are increasing day by day. So we must look for more ideas and methods to study slope stability, and force people to reveal the mechanism of slope landslide, and on this basis to explore the new theory of slope instability analysis, new methods. There are many factors affecting its stability, such as rainfall, earthquakes, human activities, etc. Among them, the slope instability induced by rainfall is more and more, the most prominent. This also shows that the effect of water on landslide stability is very significant. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to study the effect of rainfall on slope stability. By analyzing the change of energy produced in the process of rainfall infiltration into the change of soil permeability, the calculation formula of permeability is derived, and the stability of slope is calculated and analyzed by combining Bishop method and horizontal strip method in limit equilibrium method. The slope stability under the coupling of earthquake and rainfall is analyzed by using the derived permeability. The specific research work is as follows: 1. The formula for calculating the permeability of slope soil caused by rainfall is deduced by using the law of conservation of energy. The calculation formula of slope stability safety factor considering the influence of permeability on slope stability is derived by using the limit equilibrium method, and the ratio of slope stability safety factor to slope side slope is analyzed. The sensitivity of rainfall and other factors. 2. The permeability obtained by energy conservation law is replaced by horizontal strip method to calculate the safety factor of slope stability. The calculation results of the stability safety factor calculated by horizontal and vertical strip methods are compared and analyzed .3.Using the seep module of Geo-Studio software to analyze the rainfall infiltration of the same example, the variation value of pore water pressure line in soil slope is obtained. Then the safety factor is calculated in the Slope module. The difference between the two solutions is analyzed by comparing the results of the numerical solution and the analytical solution. At the same time, the rationality of the calculation results of this method is tested. At the same time, the permeability and seismic force obtained by the energy conservation method are added to the Bishop method, and the calculation formula of slope stability safety factor considering the coupling action of earthquake and rainfall is derived. And the slope stability analysis is carried out.
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