本文选题:磁源瞬变电磁 切入点:拟大地电磁二维反演 出处:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Magnetic source transient electromagnetic method is widely used in mineral resources exploration and environmental engineering exploration with its unique advantages. Since the beginning of the new century, the deep prospecting and engineering exploration require high accuracy. Up to now, there is no mature transient electromagnetic two and three dimensional inversion technology, which restricts the application of this method to some extent. Considering the difficulty of direct use of transient electromagnetic two and three dimensional forward inversion, another way of realizing transient electromagnetic 2-D inversion is explored and its two-dimensional inversion interpretation is realized. This paper focuses on the theory of one-dimensional forward modeling of transient electromagnetic field of magnetic source and the calculation of apparent resistivity in the whole region of transient electromagnetic field of magnetic source. The time-frequency conversion relationship between magnetic source transient electromagnetic data and magnetotelluric data and the quasi-magnetotelluric inversion of magnetic source transient electromagnetic data are analyzed and studied. Based on the one-dimensional forward theory of magnetic source transient electromagnetic and vertical magnetic field. The whole area apparent resistivity defined by the induction intensity component, The similarity between the apparent resistivity of the whole transient electromagnetic region and the apparent resistivity of magnetotelluric Kania is studied theoretically. The optimum time-frequency conversion coefficient is selected for the time-frequency conversion of apparent resistivity and Kania apparent resistivity in the whole transient electromagnetic region. The inversion results show that the relative error between the inversion resistivity and the actual model resistivity is less than 5.5, and the relative error between the inversion depth and the actual model depth is less than 6.7. Using this method, the transient electromagnetic inversion of magnetic source is carried out. The results show that the inversion result of te and TM of main profile and side line is longitudinal with the actual low resistivity body, and the result of pseudomagnetotelluric inversion of transient electromagnetic response of three-dimension model loop source is longitudinal. It is superior to te model inversion, TM model inversion result and anomalous external line inversion result, so the pseudomagnetotelluric 2D te and TM joint inversion method is chosen over the 3D anomaly body. 2D inversion of 3D transient electromagnetic response can be realized more accurately. The pseudomagnetotelluric inversion method is used to invert the transient electromagnetic data from a mining area in Shaanxi province. The results show that the results of joint inversion are superior to those of te model and TM model, and according to the joint inversion results of line 1517 and 19, combined with the electrical characteristics of rock (ore) in the ore area, the metallogenic structure characteristics and geochemical anomaly range. It is inferred that the low resistivity anomaly in inversion results may be related to mineralization, and good geological effect has been obtained. Finally, a set of processing flow of magnetic source transient electromagnetic measured data based on pseudomagnetotelluric inversion technique is concluded. The magnetic source transient electromagnetic data are interpreted by pseudomagnetotelluric inversion method.
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